A team is having a brainstorming session and one member suggests 'Let's move on to something else as we're getting nowhere'. What type of contribution is this?
A Proposing
B Supporting
C Blocking
D Shutting out
Team-member Tom is one of those people who is dynamic and thrives on pressure. He tends to be the one who challenges and pushes other team members, sometimes annoying or upsetting them – but also getting the team past difficult periods.
Which of Belbin's team roles does Tom exercise?
A Plant
B Co-ordinator (chair)
C Implementer
D Shaper
Which of the following would be an effective technique for encouraging healthy team solidarity?
A Discouraging competition with other groups
B Encouraging competition within the group
C Encouraging members to express disagreements
D Discouraging members from expressing disagreements
下列各选项中属于进项税额可以从销项税额中抵扣的业务有( )。
Grant is a member of a project team. His colleagues in the team rely on him to read and check complex project documentation. Grant has a keen eye for detail and often identifies minor details in documents that others miss but may be of significance. Despite the diligent approach, Grant always meets his deadlines. However, some of Grant's colleagues feel frustrated when he refuses to involve others. He can hold up progress as he will not agree to the team signing off project documents until all of his concerns are fully discussed. According to Belbin's team roles theory, Grant is an example of which of the following?
A Implementer
B Completer – finisher
C Monitor – evaluator
D Shaper
某商场为增值税一般纳税人,与其供货企业甲服装厂达成协议,按销售量的一定比例进行平销返利。2018年2月从甲服装厂购进商品取得增值税专用发票,注明价款200万元、增值税34万元,当月按平价全部销售,月末甲服装厂按照协议支付给商场返利6万元。下列该项业务的处理,符合增值税有关规定的有( )。
A. 商场应以200万元作为计税销售额计算销项税额
B. 商场该项业务的销项税额为34.87万元
C. 商场应缴纳的增值税为0.87万元
D. 商场应缴纳的增值税为0.3万元
某酒厂(增值税一般纳税人)2018年3月份,销售白酒60万吨,取得不含税销售收入120万元,同时收取包装物押金5万元;当月另销售啤酒20万吨,共取得不含税销售收入80万元,同时收取包装物押金8万元,包装物均约定2个月后归还。当月没收3个月前收取的白酒包装物押金3万元、啤酒包装物押金6万元。根据上述业务该酒厂2018年3月份的增值税销项税额为( )万元。
A. 35.6
B. 34
C. 35.89
D. 31.33
______ are mental states (made up of thoughts, feelings and intentions) which influence an individual's response to all objects and situations with which they are related.
Which word correctly completes this definition?
A Personality traits
B Perceptions
C Attitudes
D Emotional intelligences
At the Soli-Darretty Bros factory, a project team has been put together by management. The team are
engaged in debating how they are going to approach the task, and who is going to do what. Some of
their first ideas have not worked out but they are starting to put forward some really innovative ideas:
they get quite excited in brainstorming sessions, and are uninhibited in putting forward their views and
suggestions. Factions are emerging, not only around different ideas, but around two dominating
individuals who always seem to disagree.
At what stage of Tuckman's group development model is this team?
A Forming
B Storming
C Norming
If a team is bogged down in argument, and discussion is turning hostile, which of the following types of contribution would the team leader seek to discourage?
A Bringing-in
B Blocking
C Summarising
D Testing understanding
The concept of_____is based on the belief that the dimensions of individual
difference on which organisations currently focus are crude and performance-irrelevant, and that an organisation should reflect the range of differences within its customer and labour markets.Which words correctly complete this sentence?
A Equal opportunity
B Cultural divergence
C Managing diversity
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