Using data from twelve European countries, it has been calculated that the correlation between the level of car ownership and the number of road deaths is 0.73.
Which TWO of the statements shown follow from this?
A.High levels of car ownership cause high levels of road deaths
B.There is a strong relationship between the level of car ownership and the number of road deaths
C.53% of the variation in the level of road deaths from one country to the next can be explained by the corresponding variation in the level of car ownership
D.73% of the variation in the level of road deaths from one country to the next can be explained by the corresponding variation in the level of car ownership
A regression equation Y = a + bX is used to forecast the value of Y for a given value of X.
Which TWO of the following increase the reliability of the forecast?
A.A correlation coefficient numerically close to 1
B. Working to a higher number of decimal places of accuracy
C.Forecasting for values of X outside the range of those used in the sample
D.A large sample is used to calculate the regression equation
The following four data pairs have been obtained: (1, 5), (2, 6), (4, 9), (5, 11). Without carrying out
any calculations, which of the following correlation coefficients best describes the relationship between x
and y?
D.0.25 (2 marks)
Which of the following is represented by Blake and Mouton's managerial grid?
A The balance in a manager's leadership style between concern for the task and concern for people and relationships
B. The success of a manager's performance, for the purposes of appraisal
C A manager's position on the continuum between concern for task and concern for people and relationships
DA matrix organisation structure, combining functional and line authority
Victor Vroom's 'expectancy theory 1 is an example of which type of motivational theory?
A Content theory
B Process theory
C Hierarchy theory
A公司为建造厂房于2017年4月1日从银行借入2 000万元专门借款,借款期限为2年,年利率为6%。2017年7月1日,A公司采取出包方式委托B公司为其建造该厂房,并于当日预付1 000万元工程款,厂房实体建造工作也于当日开始。该工程因发生施工安全事故在2017年8月1日至11月30日中断施工,12月1日恢复正常施工,至年末工程尚未完工,预计工期为2年。2017年将未动用借款资金进行暂时性投资,获得投资收益9万元(其中下半年获得收益6万元,假定每月实现的收益是均衡的),该项建造工程在2017年度应予资本化的利息金额为( )万元。
A. 18
B. 84
C. 20
D. 80
The trial balance of a business did not balance,after carefully discovering,we knew that the sales of $115 had been debited receivables but debited sales.How should this error should be corrected?
A,Dr suspense accounts $230 Cr sales $230
B,Dr sales $230Cr suspense accounts $230
C,Dr suspense accounts $115Cr sales $115
D,Dr sales $115Cr suspense account $115
甲公司共有2 000名职工,从2017年1月1日起,该企业实行累积带薪制度。规定每名职工每年可享受5个工作日的带薪年休假,未使用的带薪年休假只能向后结转一个日历年度。职工休年假时,首先使用当年部分,不足部分再从上年结转的带薪年休假中扣除,职工离职时无权获得现金补偿。至2017年12月31日,每名职工当年平均未使用带薪年休假为2天,甲公司预计2018年有1 900名职工将享受不超过5天的带薪年休假,剩余100名职工每人将平均享受6天半年休假,假定这100名职工全部为总部各部门经理,该企业平均每名职工每个工作日工资为300元。不考虑其他相关因素。则对于该累积带薪缺勤下列会计处理中正确的是( )。
A. 甲公司需在2018年度确认管理费用45 000元
B. 甲公司无需进行账务处理
C. 甲公司应在2017年度确认管理费用45 000元
D. 在2018年按实际占用上年休假天数确认相关费用
(2018年考题)企业以摊余成本计量的金融资产应于初始确认时计算其实际利率,并在预期存续期间内保持不变。( )
企业将金融资产划分为以摊余成本计量的金融资产时,需要符合的条件有( )。
A. 企业管理该金融资产的业务模式是以出售该金融资产为目标
B. 企业管理该金融资产的业务模式是以收取合同现金流量为目标
C. 企业管理该金融资产的业务模式既以收取合同现金流量为目标又以出售该金融资产为目标
D. 该金融资产的合同条款规定,在特定日期产生的现金流量,仅为对本金和以未偿付本金金额为基础的利息的支付
下列各项中,关于债权投资处置的说法正确的有( )。
A. 处置时要将原确认的信用减值损失冲减
B. 按照处置价款与处置时点账面价值之间的差额计入利息收入
C. 处置时点要结转持有期间计提的减值准备
D. 摊余成本与账面价值相等
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