A. The storm so severe was B. So severe was the storm
C. So the storm was severe D. Such was the storm severe
so the people have B. the people have so
C. so have the people D. have the people so
A. excitement B. excited C. excitable D. exciting
A badly B. too badly C. too much bad D. bad
A. belled-shape B. bell-shape C. bell shaped D. belled-shaped
A. belled-shape B. bell-shape C. bell shaped D. belled-shaped
Ahave had
Chad had
Dwill have had
Amust drop it
Bshould have dropped it
Cmust have dropped it
Dhad dropped it
Baround where
Cnear which
Aonly if
Dexcept that
Acan't afford Bcouldn't afford
Cwon't afford Dunable to afford
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