1翻译题: "This way you get to spend time outside,you get to exercise,you get a loyal companion and at
2翻译题: If you make sure to walk it for at least 30 minutes twice a day,you will be boosting your act
3翻译题: But there are particular benefits to adopting a dog,he says.
4翻译题: There are plenty of ways to do this,from avoiding the lifts at work to parking on the far sid
5翻译题: Instead,he recommends finding ways to routinely incorporate exercise into our daily lives.
6翻译题: But though going to the gym works for some of us,many will quit after a month or two,says Dr
7翻译题: Adopt a dog
8翻译题: "Better understanding ourselves allows us to play to our strengths and build on our weaknesse
9翻译题: There are many ways to do this,she says,including journaling,meditating,practicing mindfulnes
10翻译题: "For instance,what is your motivation to exercise?When are you most-and when are you least-li