1翻译题: "Instead of just buying chickpeas go for the four-bean mix.Instead of buying one type of seed
2翻译题: One way we can get more plant-based diversity in our diets easily is by being a little savvie
3翻译题: Allergies,obesity,inflammatory bowel disease,Parkinson's,and even depression have all been li
4翻译题: The bacteria in our gut-collectively known as the microbiome-have a profound role in our heal
5翻译题: That is because plant-based diversity is thought to have a key role in good gut health.
6翻译题: We should aim for at least 30 different plant-based foods per week,she says.
7翻译题: But according to Dr Megan Rossi,a research fellow at King's College London's department of nu
8翻译题: We have all heard about getting our five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
9翻译题: Get your 30 a week
10翻译题: "This way you get to spend time outside,you get to exercise,you get a loyal companion and at