1翻译题: 不久前,一名30岁的广州男子来到柬埔寨工作了半个月。
2翻译题: 如果你发烧,去东南亚看看,并及时看医生。
3翻译题: 为防止登革热在返回广州后传播并引起当地传播,居民在出发前、旅行中以及近期前往东南亚时返回广州后
4 翻译题: 截至7月30日,该市报告了143例输入性登革热病例,是去年同期的三倍,占该市目前报告病例的70%。
5 翻译题: 今年东南亚登革热的高发病率也导致广州的输入性登革热病例比去年同期高得多。
6翻译题: “If you have two healthy people,” said the lead author, Dr. Magnus Thorsten Jensen, a resea
7翻译题: After controlling for physical fitness and many other health and behavioral factors, they fou
8翻译题: Danish researchers gave physical exams to 5,249 healthy middle-aged and elderly men beginning
9翻译题: A new study, published in Heart, suggests that a higher resting heart rate is an independent
10翻译题: Those who’d cooled down, on the other hand, had a much lower pain threshold; their muscles h