A.都江堰 B.长城
C.大运河 D.北京故宫
A. In fact B. At the same time
C. At first D. From then on
A.古人类化石 B.史学论著 C.影视作品 D.口述史料
①控制地方 ②稳定政局 ③扩大统治范围
A.①②③ B.②③ C.①③ D.①②
A.兼并战争 B.制度变革 C.思想学术繁荣 D.社会安定和谐
A. Yes,we did B. No,we didn't
C. Yes,they did D. No,they didn't
A.社会变化 B.民族交融 C.经济发展 D.技术进步
A. Nice work B. No way
C. You've got no chance D. Face the truth
A.各诸侯国兴修水利工程 B.诸侯国的争霸战争
C.铁农具和牛耕的使用和推广 D.自然条件优越
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