A.达尔文 B.牛顿 C.法拉第 D.爱迪生
A. are afraid to B. are pleased to
C. are lucky to D. are interested to
A. 战时共产主义的缺陷
B. 农奴制的落后性
C. 新经济政策的局限性
D. 苏联模式的弊端
A. how about go B. why not you go
C. why don't you go D. why not to go
A. What's up? B. I suppose so.
C. Do you agree? D. Have a try.
A.元谋人 B.北京人 C.河姆渡人 D.山项洞人
A.青铜器 B.铁器 C.铝器 D.陶器
A. full B. empty
C. silver D. grey
A.逐鹿之战 B.黄巾起义 C.巨鹿之战 D.陈胜、吴广起义
A. myself B. himself
C. herself D. themselves
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