A. successfully B. completely
C. smoothly D. peacefully
A. how long it will take to get to New Delhi
B. if I can book a direct flight to New Delhi online
C. where I can buy the ticket for the direct flight to New Delhi
D. whether I can buy a ticket to New Delhi without my passport
A. how long it will take to get to New Delhi
B. if I can book a direct flight to New Delhi online
C. where I can buy the ticket for the direct flight to New Delhi
D. whether I can buy a ticket to New Delhi without my passport
A. Many hands make light work
B. The grass is always greener than the other side
C. Early birds catch the worm.
D. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
A. something delicious B. anything delicious
C. delicious something D. delicious anything
A.七七事变 B.淞沪会战 C.台儿庄战役 D.第三次长沙会战
A.国民党军队围攻中原解放区 B.中共中央和解放军总部转战陕北
C.刘邓大军千里挺进大别山 D.人民解放军占领南京
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