

来源: 2018-10-02 19:44

   I. Phonetics (5 points)

  Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  1. A. care B. share C. dare D. are

  2. A. hope B. motor C. Lo t D. go

  3. A. catch B. child C. march D. machine

  4. A. gate B. hate C. jade D. staff

  5. A. thank B. language C. friend D. anxious

  II. Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

  Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  6. The United Nations ________ formed in 1945.

  A. is B. was C. are D. were

  7. How many ________ do you need?

  A. hour’s sleep B. hours of sleep C. hours of sleeping D. sleeping hours

  8. When we saw his face, we knew ________ was good.

  A. the news B. a news C. some news D. news

  9. ________ of the students will spend their summer vacation in the school.

  A. Two fifth B. Second fifth C. Two fives D. Two fifths

  10. The sun ______ in the east and ________ in the west.

  A. rise, set B. rises, sets C. is rising, is setting D. rose, set

  11. “Must we do it now?”

  “No, you ________.”

  A. won’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. don’t

  12. Saying something is one thing while doing it is ________.

  A. others B. the other C. other D. another

  13. It was ________ that he couldn’t finish it without the help of others.

  A. a so difficult job B. such a difficult job

  C. so a difficult job D. such difficult a job

  14. He appears ________ today.

  A. very angrily B. very angry C. being angry D. with anger

  15. Who’s is responsible ________ the arrangements?

  A. for make B. to make C. to making D. for making

  16. Little ________ about his won safety, though he was in great danger himself at that time.

  A. does he care B. did he care C. he cares D. he cared

  17. I suggested that the students each ________ a plan for the summer vacation.

  A. would make B. will make C. make D. made

  18. She shut the window ________ she might keep the insects out.

  A. in order that B. since C. till D. because

  19. Many members ________ were present agreed to the plan.

  A. who B. they C. which D. whom

  20. Now many people spend a lot of money ________ the poor children go to school.

  A. help B. to help C. to helping D. helping

  21. These new curtain do not ________ well ________ your carpet.

  A. go…by B. go…for C. go…with D. go…into

  22. The little girl ________ me ________ her aunt.

  A. reminds; / B. recall; of C. made; of D. reminds; of

  23. Her father watches TV only for half an hour a day. He is interested in ________ news only.

  A. late B. current C. present D. permanent

  24. John ________ the girl his parents didn’t approve of.

  A. was married with B. married with C. married to D. married

  25. Price rises ________ consumer spending.

  A. arouse B. avoid C. preserve D. restrain

  Ⅲ. Cloze (15 points)

  Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE answer that best completes the passage.

  The angry woman sat in the station office. “The railway should pay me $12.” She said to Harry, the man 26 sold the ticket. “My ticket was 27 May 22nd, and there was 28 train from Jersey that night. 29 had to stay in a hotel. It 30 me $ 12.”

  Harry was worried. He remembered 31 the woman a return ticket. After he checked the Jersey timetable for May 22nd, he knew she was right. However, had he made 32 mistake? 33 what to do, he smiled at the child. “Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?” he said to her. “Yes,” she answered shyly. “The seashore was 34 , and I can swim 35 !”

  “That’s fine,” said Harry. “My little girl can’t swim a bit yet. Of course, she’s only three…”

  Harry turned to the mother, “I remember your ticket, madam,” he said. “But you didn’t get one 36 your daughter, 37 you?”

  “Well,” the woman looked at the child. “I mean she hasn’t started school yet. She is only four.” “A four-year-old child 38 have a ticket, madam. A child’s 39 ticket to Jersey costs $13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel bill, you will owe $1.50. The law is the law, but since the mistake was 40 …”

  Saying nothing, the woman stood up, took the child’s hand and left the office.

  26. A. which B. where C. whose D. who

  27. A. on B. at C. in D. for

  28. A. not B. no C. the D. a

  29. A. I and my daughter B. Me and my daughter

  C. I and a daughter of mine D. My daughter and I

  30. A. costs B. cost C. costing D. costly

  31. A. buying B. to buy C. to sell D. selling

  32. A. such a careless B. so a careless C. so careless D. so a careless

  33. A. Wondered B. Being wondered

  C. Wondering D. Having been wondered

  34. A. beautifully B. lovely C. greatly D. wonderfully

  35. A. too B. neither C. either D. nor

  36. A. to B. with C. for D. given

  37. A. hadn’t B. had C. did D. didn’t

  38. A. must B. many C. ought D. can

  39. A. single B. one way C. go and back D. return

  40. A. I B. me C. my D. mine


  I. Phonetics

  1-5 DCDDC

  II. Vocabulary and Structure

  6-10 BCADB 11-15 BDBBD 16-20 BCAAD 21-25 CDBDD

  III. Cloze

  26-30 DDBDB 31-35 DACBA 36-40 CCADD



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