

来源: 2020-09-20 21:42

Car Crime
A million motorists leave their cars filled up with petrol and with the keys in the ignition every day.The cars are sitting in petrol stations while drivers pay for their fuel.The Automobile Association(A.A)has discovered that cars are left unattended for an average three minutes and sometimes longer as drivers buy drinks,sweets,cigarettes and other consumer items.With payment of credit cards becoming more and more common,it is not unusual for a driver to be out of his car for as long as six minutes,providing the car theft with a golden opportunity.
For more than ten years there has been a big rise in car crime than in most other types of crime.An average of more than two cars a minute are broken into or stolen in the UK.Car crime accounts for almost a third of all reported offenses with no signs that the trend is slowing down.
Although there are highly professional criminal involved in car theft,almost 90 percent of car theft is committed by the opportunists.Amateur thieves are aided by our own carelessness.The A.A.recommends locking up whenever you leave the car and for however short a period.A partially open sunroof or window is a further come-on to thieves.
There are many other traps to avoid.The A.A.has fond little awareness among drivers about safe parking.Most motorists questioned made no efforts to avoid parking in quiet spots-just the places thieves love.The A.A.advises drives to park in places with people around-thieves don't like audiences.
1.Paragraph 2 _________________.
2.Paragraph 3 _________________.
3.Paragraph 4 _________________.
A)Safe parking
B)Increase in car theft
C)Opportunities for non-professionals
D)Anti-theft organizations
4.Most car thefts should be blamed on_______________.
5.In the past decade there has been a big _____________.
6.Most of the car thefts are found to be committed by_______________.
7.A piece of advice for drivers is that they should _______________.
A)the carelessness of the drivers
B)increase in the number of cars stolen
C)non-professional thieves
D)lack of parking space
E)lark their cars in safe place
Keys:B C A A B C E



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