

来源: 2018-02-02 15:55


  Mobile phones should carry a label if they proved1 to be a dangerous source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. And no more mobile phone transmitter towers should be build until the long-term health effects of the electromagnetic radiation they emit is scientifically evaluated, he said. “Nobody’s going to drop dead overnight2 but we should be asking for more scientific information, ”Robert Bell said at a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation. _____ (1) _____

  A report widely circulated among the public says that up to now scientists do not really know enough to guarantee there are no ill effects on humans from electromagnetic radiation. According to Robert Bell, there are 3. 3 million mobile phones in Australia alone and they are increasing by3 2, 000 a day.

  _____ (2) _____

  As well, there are 2, 000 transmitter towers around Australia, many in high density residential areas5. _____ (3) _____The electromagnetic radiation emitted from these towers may have already produced some harmful effects on the health of the residents nearby.

  Robert Bell suggests that until more research is completed the Government should ban construction of phone towers from within a 500 metre radius of school grounds, child care centres, hospitals, sports playing fields and residential areas with a high percentage of children.

  _____ (4) _____ He adds that there is also evidence that if cancer sufferers are subjected to electromagnetic waves the growth rate of the disease accelerates.

  _____ (5) _____ According to Robert Bell, it is reasonable for the major telephone companies to fund it. Besides, he also urges the Government to set up a wide ranging inquiry into possible health effects.

  A. He says there is emerging evidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults6.

  B. By the year 20004 it is estimated that Australia will have 8 million mobile phones: nearly one for every two people

  C. “If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be devised,” he said.

  D. Then who finances the research?

  E. For example, Telstra, Optus and Vodaphone build their towers where it is geographically suitable to them and disregard the need of the community.

  F. The conclusion is that mobile phones brings more harm than benefit.

  参考答案 1. C 2. B 3. E 4. A 5. D



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