

来源: 2019-01-30 14:10

   1. The little boy was so fascinated by the mighty river that he would spend hours sitting on its bank and gazing at the passing boats and rafts.

  A) very strong B) very long C) very great D) very fast

  2. The stories of Sarah Orne Jewett are considered by many to be more authentically regional than those of Bret Harte.

  A) elegantly B) genuinely C) intentionally D) thoroughly

  3. Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine asserted that the Americas were no longer open to European

  A) stated firmly B) argued light-mindedly C) thought seriously D) announced regrettably

  4. Smoking is not permitted in the office.

  A) probable B) possible C) admitted D) allowed

  5. The chairman proposed that we should stop the meeting.

  A) stated B) declared C) suggested D) announced

  6. I feel regret about what’s happened.

  A) sorry B) disappointed C) shameful D) disheartened

  7. She has proved that she can be relied on in a crisis.

  A) lived on B) depended on C) lived off D) believed in

  8. John removed his overcoat.

  A) took Away B) left aside C) took off D) washed off

  9.Although originally a German innovation, kindergarten got its real start in the United States as a movement to provide an improved learning environment for children.

  A) an easy B) a playful C) an open D) a better

  10. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous record of performance.

  A) beats B) matches C) maintains D) announces

  11. The attack on Fort Sumter near Charleston provoked a sharp response from the North, which led to the American Civil War.

  A) demanded B) elicited C) extracted D) defied

  12. Illinois has produced writers such as Carl Sandburg,gangsters such as Al Capone, and architects such as Louis Sullivan.

  A) violent criminals C) musicians B) politicians D) industrialists

  13. The towers of a suspension bridge serve as n rigid framework to which the cables are attached. A) boundary B) skeleton C) enclosure D) material

  14. The use of the chemical may present a certain hazard to the laboratory workers.

  A) protection B) indication C) immunity D) danger

  15. Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.

  A) error B) function C) attraction D) miracle




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