

来源: 2019-02-05 12:44

   A Letter from Alan

  I have learnt of a plan to build three hundred houses on the land called Parson's Place by the football ground. Few people know about this new plan to increase the size of our town. For me,Parson's Place is special because it is a beautiful natural area where local people can relax - the small wood has many unusual trees and the stream is popular with fishermen and bird-watchers. It's very quiet because there are few houses or roads nearby. I think that losing this area will be terrible because we have no other similar facilities in the neighbourhood.

  I am also against this plan because it will cause traffic problems. How will the people from the new houses travel to work? The motorway and the railway station are on the other side of town.

  Therefore,these people will have to drive through the town centre every time they go anywhere.

  The roads will always be full of traffic,there will be nowhere to park and the tourists who come to see our lovely old buildings will leave. Shops and hotels will lose business. If the town really needs more homes,the empty ground beside the railway station is a more suitable place.

  No doubt the builders will make a lot of money by selling these houses. But,in my opinion,the average person will quickly be made poorer by this plan. As well as this,we will lose a very

  special place and our town will be much less pleasant.

  I am going to the local government offices on Monday morning to protest about this plan and I hope that your readers will join me there. We must make them stop this plan before it is too late.


  facility /f?’sil?ti/ n. 场所,设施 protest /pr?u’test/ v. 抗议

  motorway / ‘m?ut?wei / n. 高速公路


  1. For me,Parson's Place is special because it is a beautiful natural area where local people can

  relax—the small wood has many unusual trees and the stream is popular with fishermen and bird-watchers. 对我来说,帕森场是非常特别的,因为它是一个美丽的天然场地并且当地人可以在此放松休息。这片小树林里有许多独特的树木并且这里的小溪受到了渔夫和野鸟观察 者的欢迎。

  2. The roads will always be full of traffic,there will be nowhere to park and the tourists who come to see our lovely old buildings will leave. 公路上将总是有很多车辆,却没有地方停车,并且来参观我们这儿可爱的老式建筑物的观光者将会离开这里。

  3. As well as this,we will lose a very special place and our town will be much less pleasant.不但




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