“Hello,Jill.How nice to see you here,”said Jack,“l here often?'“‘Not as much as Ia like.1 0f.ten used to meet my~iends here,but now I live a long way away,”Jill explained.“In fact,it's exactly three years 2 “Well,”said Jack,“tell me what 3 here today,then.’’“Last week my mother had an accident in her car.She 4 when it happened.Suddenly a motorcycle came out 0f another street and she
5 stop very quickly,and she 6 another car from behind.She banged her head 0n the car roof.”
“ 7 her safety belt on at the time?"Jack asked.‘‘No,she never wears one—dont think—8—in that car,”Jill explained.“I hope your mother 9,”said Jack.“No,thank goodness,but the doctor said she 10 stay in hospital 11 completely better,”explained Jill.“And s0 you—12—see her now?'’Jack wanted to know.“Yes,”said Jill,“every day someone goes to the hospital—13—.She's lot better now.”“I 'm glad t0 hear that,”said Jack.“Anyway—14—coffee.”
dont know where they are.”she said.“When i—10—them,11l phone you·Oh!here they are·Let me—11 them back after you~e read them.”
When I told my friends about it they a11 said,“—12—一—13—,”I said-But next day l told the manager l wanted t0 g0 and he said,“I hoped—14—”
1.A.Are you comingB.Are you goingC.Do you comeD.1)o you go
2.A.since then we movedB.since we moved
C.that we moved usD.that we move
3.A.youi'e doingB.you doC.do you doD.takes you
4.A.went the Oxford Street alongB.was going Oxford Street ahmg
C.was going along Oxtord StreetD.went along the Oxlbrd Street
5.A.mustB.had toC.ought toD.had better
6.A_was b.eaten withB.was hil withC.was beaten byD.was hit by
7.A.Was she havingB.Did she haveC.Has she putD.Was she put on
A.1in workingB.D,e been working
C.I am workerD.I have been worker
2.A.I should see himB.me see himC.that I saw himD·me 10 see him
3.A.when I should haveB.then I should have
C.when I hadD.then I had
4.A.how he WOUldbeB.how he should bHe
C.what he would be likeD.how he should like me
5.A.that you will helpB_that you should help
C.you t0 helpD·you helping
6.A.if you mayB.if you canC·may youIJ·can you
7.A.exDlained him I likedB.explained him I,d like
C.told him I likedD.told him I'd like。
8.A.will giveB.is going to giveC.givesD.is givwing
9.A_pleaseB.toc.please toD·that she、
10.A.am going t0 findB.will findc.findD·am finding
11.A.to hayeB.haveC·t0 getIJ·get
12.A.It looks to be marvellousB.I looks marvellously
c.It seems marvellousD.It seems marvellousIy
13.A.didnt yet say that yesB·havent said yes yet
c.havent yet said that yesD.didnI yet say yes
14.A.that you'd agreeB.that yOU agreed
C.for you to agreeD.you to agree

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