
文书写作教程第二课: 主题明确,问题具体

来源: 2019-02-28 14:23


有三个主题可供你考虑:1.你为什么要研究这个领域/上这所研究生院? 2.哪些方面使得你特别、不同、或优越? 3.为什么你够资格?
有个诀窍可以避免给人以“这样的内容由来了”的反应,那就是密切注意第一行。当录取官员一开始就看到“自从 … … 以来,我一直想当个物理学家”这样的句子,他们肯定缩回去。我们知道可提供帮助的是文章的那行句子,但是这些可怜的官员已经有多少次读过这样的句子,他们自己也数不清,这样的句子很快就变成老一套了。相反,可以用一个能说明你早就呼唤法律的故事来开始你的文章。现看一看例1文章的第一段:
"That's not fair." Even as the smallest of children, I remember makingsuch a proclamation: in kindergarten it was "not fair" when I had to sharemy birthday with another little girl and didn't get to sit on the "birthdaychair." When General Mills changed my favorite childhood breakfastcereal, "Kix," I, of course, thought this was "not fair." Unlike many kids(like my brother) who would probably have shut up and enjoyed the "greatnew taste" or switched to Cheerios, this kid sat her bottom down in a chair(boosted by the phone book) and typed a letter to the company expressingher preference for the "classic" Kix over the "great new taste" Kix.在讲述故事的时候,文章作者说明了她政治上的激进主义是根深蒂固的,但她不必说出来。她不是只告诉我们就希望我们相信,她是展示给我们看的。
另一个开篇方式是“我爸爸是个 … …”。有些录取官员说,如果申请人给出的想要研究某一个领域的唯一理由是家庭的愿望,那么他们不仅会对申请人的动机,而且对他是否成熟表示怀疑。这当然不是说你必须掩盖你的父母支持你做该领域研究这一事实,但这的确意味着你应该避免你想靠它作为进入研究生院的唯一理由。如果你的父亲或母亲确实鼓励你进研究生院,那么需要详细地描述你为什么受到他们的鼓励,以及你在现实生活中做了那些事可以检验你的动机。
注意:为了教学目的,该文发表时未加修改。 "That's not fair." Even as the smallest of children, I remember making sucha proclamation: in kindergarten it was "not fair" when I had to share mybirthday with another little girl and didn't get to sit on the "birthdaychair." When General Mills changed my favorite childhood breakfastcereal, "Kix," I, of course, thought this was "not fair." Unlike many kids(like my brother) who would probably have shut up and enjoyed the "greatnew taste" or switched to Cheerios, this kid sat her bottom down in a chair(boosted by the phone book) and typed a letter to the company expressingher preference for the "classic" Kix over the "great new taste" Kix.Through the plenty of "not fair" incidents that followed, my mother triedto explain that unfair things happen sometimes, but I never accepted theidea of an unfair world and began to realize that there were a great manysituations and conditions that were "not fair" to women.At age ten, I was mortified that all the boys in my Catechism class weresigning up to be altar servers, but girls could not. When my grandmothertold me that, at one time, because she was a woman, she was only allowed totouch the altar when she was cleaning it-the fight against the CatholicChurch was on. Once again, I sat my bottom down in the chair (still withthe phone book) and typed a letter to the Monsignor requesting to betrained as an altar server. With no immediate response, I respectfully butpersistently harassed the Monsignor and the other priests every Sunday whenI saw them in church, until, nearly two years later, I became an altarserver. At age twelve I was almost too old to appreciate the new privilege,but there are girls becoming altar servers in that church to this day.Fighting against things "not fair" for women has been my goal throughout myeducation, just as it will be in my future, and I have had several uniqueopportunities toward this end. I have worked two summers in a Sacramento, California, law firm for themanaging partner, a brilliant litigator and a woman who really cares aboutjustice, on two of the biggest cases of her career. I performed legalresearch relevant to the issues of spoliation and antitrust, and I directlyassisted Ms. F with trial preparation, accompanying her to court during thetrials. Under her guidance I have learned the inner workings of litigation,and I have seen that unfairness pervades all types of law. Havingexperienced litigation, I know the heavy work load that characterizes trialpreparation and can safely say that I approach a legal career aware of itsrealities. I have also participated in the [school] Center for American Politics andPublic Policy (CAPPP) Quarter in Washington program, which allowed me totake classes at the [school] Center and intern at the National Women's LawCenter in D.C. The Law Center showed me the public interest side of law,the area of law that I hope to enter in order to address the women's issuesthat are so important to me. Public interest offers the opportunity to helpwomen who need it the most, those who could not otherwise afford legalassistance and who are often victims of the "not fair," of violations oftheir civil rights. My classes at [school] and through CAPPP, as well as my participation inthe volunteer program at the [school] Women's Resource Center, haveafforded me the chance to research issues of the "not fair" for women.Violence against women, an unfairness that maims and rapes and kills, hasevolved into a special interest of mine that I hope to pursue throughfuture work in a sex crimes division in criminal prosecution. For twoclasses at [school] I have researched domestic violence and battered womenwho kill their abusers. While in Washington, D.C., I studied acquaintancerape among adolescents: after making an extensive review of the existingliterature, I tried to conduct original research interviewing teenagers ata recreation center in Alexandria, Virginia. Though at the last moment the recreation center directors did not authorizemy project, I did discover a class called "Self-Defense is More thanKarate" that was developed by the Office on Women in Alexandria to instructhigh school students on relationships,HIV/AIDS, dating violence, and sexualassault. After I observed one week of the program, the Community EducationCoordinator asked me to research how such education influences teens,interviewing students before and after they take the class, for the Officeon Women. Currently, I seek a research grant from the [school] CollegeHonors Program that would allow me to go back to D.C. in the spring tocarry out this project. Fighting the "not fair" is certainly a driving force for me; however, Ihave chosen to pursue law not only because I consider it to be a weaponagainst injustice, but also because it fascinates me. My love for the lawechoes my love for literature. I participated in theater in high school andmajored in English in college because I enjoy analyzing the subtleties,innuendos, and themes that serve as the foundation of a literary work or adramatic performance. I strive to understand the stories behind thecharacters involved. I am awed by the power of language and the influenceart and literature can have on the values, thoughts, and actions of theaudience. So goes the influence on the law: they call it "courtroom drama"for a reason. Just as literature tells a story, so does each legal case, beit criminal or civil; the way in which the law applies to each case must beanalyzed and, in some instances, constructed.Law reflects as much as itinfluences the beliefs of the people it governs.Both law and literature are instruments of change. Furthermore, literatureand law can give voice to people who have been traditionally silenced. Justas I love so much to hear the voices of others through literature, I wantto use my voice in the realm of the law, calling out "not fair" for thosewho have not been heard. I want to have a positive influence on the livesof women and all people, be it in the civil or criminal realm, and in lawschool I hope to gain the tools to do just that. 二、为什么有资格?
不寻常的研究领域的经验 即使你没有正式的经验,你可能还会有值得一提的研究领域方面的经验。或许,你是个优秀的业余天文学家,或者在你决定攻读博士学位之前,几年来你就一直在研究量子物理学。这位申请人(例4)描述了一个令人着迷的成功故事。尽管作者没有经过正式的训练,没有经验,而且她只能提供一个15美元的Johnson & Johnson 药箱,她被迫违反规定在洪都拉斯的一个村庄当了一个夏天的医生。
注意:为了教学目的,该文发表时未加修改。 High School Teacher with AIDS; SCID/Genetics Research Experience; HIVCounselor Before I found out that my high school Spanish teacher was HIV-positive,AIDS was not much more than a bunch of statistics to me. The disease, itscourse, and the people afflicted with it seemed alien to my life-as distantas the continent from which the virus was supposed to have sprung. Then Mr.T. stopped coming to school. When he reappeared a few months later to wishus well on the advanced placement exam, his face looked sallow. His voice,once a thunderous bass that rumbled in class and reverberated down thehallway, was weak and thin. Seeing my teacher looking so unfamiliar was myshocking introduction to AIDS. I felt as if I were in the presence of astranger, this mysterious disease, who was insulting Mr. T. right in frontof my eyes. I wanted to know who this stranger was. I entered college, believing that biology could explain to me why life'sprocesses went awry. I learned that the body is exquisitely complex, but Iwas reassured by the underlying theme of systems. Even if I didn't know allthe molecules and connections, there seemed no denying that a fundamentalorder existed. From physiology to cell biology to molecular genetics, my classes presentedsmaller and smaller systems to explain the origins of diseases. Finally, ingenes, with their innocuous four letter alphabet, I felt I was learning thefoundation of it all. If biology provided the keys to understanding life,then genetics must be the master key (if only we could see some of thedoors we were trying to open). During two summers in a research laboratoryat The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, I helped track down the genecausing X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID).Even though AIDS and SCID are very different diseases (SCID is exclusivelyhereditary), each compromises the body's defense mechanisms against foreignpathogens. I felt this was a significant connection. In SCID, I was meetinga distant cousin of AIDS. Learning about common themes of immunodeficiencydisorders, such as the perils of opportunistic infections, helped me tobegin to understand what had happened to Mr. T. In the SCID laboratory, andin classroom seminars on infectious diseases, science was helping medemystify disease. In the same year that Mr. T. became ill, my grandfather died during bypasssurgery and my father underwent chemotherapy and radiation treatment forcolon cancer. Since then, disease has had a human face for me. To betterunderstand how people deal with disease or the fear of disease, I've becomea volunteer counselor in an HIV clinic. Speaking to people who come in for free testing, I've found that discussingHIV, getting the scary words (and acronyms) out in the open, is a way formany people to release their anxiety. Through expression in their ownwords, they make the disease real, which helps them to see that it is alsopreventable. Then, they often take the next step, making specific goals tomaintain their health, whether they are HIV-negative or positive. Whatscience in class and lab did for me in confronting the difficult issues ofAIDS, talk does for my clients. As an HIV counselor in an anonymous clinic, I feel both the potential of myrole and its limits. I can't go home with my clients to remind them to keepcondoms under the bed, but I can help them make a plan-something that couldstay with them much longer than the information I offer. At the end of onesession, one client surprised me with his response to a question I hadasked: "What do you think you'll do with the HIV information?" There was asilence in the counseling room as the client pondered, but I recall sensingthe comfort of the silence. This was a session that seemed to be producingthe potential for a breakthrough (not every session does), and I waitedpatiently. He responded, "I think I'll ask my girlfriend to use her ownneedles." Then, the client thanked me for having asked the question. I was thrown. My client proposed a strategy for reducing his HIV risk, buthe didn't address what was likely his main issue-heroin use. Should Ivalidate his plan? In effect, that's what I did, because I didn't challengethe drug issue. When he left the clinic, I practically wanted to follow himout the door. I wondered if I would ever see him again and be able to askhim how his plan was going. I wondered if he would ultimately seek help forhis drug use. My supervisor reminded me that I had done my job as an HIVcounselor. I had helped the client make a plan; he had even thanked me forit. And I can thank him in return. He reminded me that although I have workedto understand disease in the classroom, the laboratory, and the clinic, Istill have much to learn about caring for all aspects of a patient'shealth. I am eager to continue the learning process in the New PathwayProgram at Harvard Medical School. 例3:哈佛大学医学院文章
注意:为了教学目的,该文发表时未加修改。 Radiation Oncology Volunteer; Biochemical Lab Experience; NeurosurgeryResearch; ER Volunteer; English Language Tutor; Student Advisor; CommunityService "Carl, the woman we're about to meet will receive her first palliativetreatment today," said Dr. A., an Attending in Radiation Oncology. Hecontinued to explain her case as we walked briskly down the hallways of thehospital. I followed him into the radiation treatment room to meet thepatient and learn about the procedure which, sadly, would not eradicate herdisease. Since then, I have met with him weekly throughout this summer tolearn about radiation oncology and medicine in general. Through experiencessuch as these, I have learned much about the profession of medicine. I wantto become a physician for the intellectual challenges and rewards that comefrom helping others. I first became interested in medical research by working in a biochemicalengineering laboratory at MIT. For over two years I explored the medicallyrelated field, biotechnology. I have led experiments involving fermentationbioreactors and trained two inexperienced undergraduates. Recently, Ipresented a poster entitled "Effect of Antifoam during Filtration ofRecombinant Bacterial Broth" at a New England Society for IndustrialMicrobiology colloquium. Enjoying the biomedical rather than engineeringaspects of the work, I have shifted my career interests to medicine.Last summer, I expanded my interest in medicine by working for theNeurosurgery Department at Brigham and Women's Hospital. After a shorttraining period, I worked independently on three research projects:Clonality analysis of schwannomas, clonality analysis of a multiplemeningioma, and the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) screening of pituitaryadenomas. I developed a strong interest in my work when I observed mymentor, Dr. Peter Black, remove brain tumors in the operating room. Afterthe initial shock and amazement of seeing the exposed brain of a consciouspatient, I thought more about the connections between this clinical workand my research. While my projects' objective was to gain a betterunderstanding of tumors, the ultimate goal is to prevent and cure tumors tosave human lives-the very people whom I had seen on the operating table!With this thought in mind, I found the motivation to complete the short-term objectives of my projects. I will be the second author of a paper,entitled "Clonality Analysis of Schwannomas," which will be submitted toNeurosurgery. This summer, as a participant in NYU Medical Center's Summer UndergraduateResearch Program (S.U.R.P.), I am learning even more about research andclinical medicine. In my work, I am determining the effect of the absenceof the N-ras protooncogene on induced tumorigenesis. By conductingmolecular oncology research for another summer, I have greatly expanded myknowledge and interest in the field. In addition, through my experiences inthe Radiation Oncology Department with Dr. S., I clearly see the greaterpurpose of medical research beyond personal intellectual gratification. Inthe case of cancer and many other diseases, research is the only way toovercome the limitations of current clinical treatments. I believe that one of the greatest joys and privileges of physicians aretheir abilities to directly aid and affect a community. While becominginterested in the science of medicine through research, I have exploredhuman service to understand the art of medicine. When I volunteered in theEmergency Room of New England Medical Center during my sophomore year, manyphysicians impressed me with their sensitivity and compassion. When notassisting the hospital staff, I took every opportunity to comfort patientswho felt scared and vulnerable. During that same year, I also tutored amiddle-aged woman in English as a Second Language. It was challenging toteach her vocabulary and sentence structure since, initially, simplecommunication with her had been difficult. Helping her pass the high schoolequivalency exam made all of my efforts worthwhile. In addition, I havebeen an Associate Advisor for freshmen for the past two years. In thisrole, I have helped first year students adjust to college life. Not onlyhave I played the role of academic mentor, but I have also become anintimate friend and personal tutor to my advisees. For my efforts, I wonthe annual Outstanding Associate Advisor Award. Besides individual volunteering, I have taken the initiative to help thelocal community on a greater scale. As Community Service Chair for theChinese Student's Club for the past two years, I established a new programto promote the interaction between MIT students and underprivilegedteenagers. College students and children affiliated with a local communityorganization, Boston Asian: Youth Essential Service, have become acquaintedthrough regular activities. Through events such as a scavenger hunt and ahands-on introduction to the World Wide Web, MIT volunteers help teenagerslearn about the opportunities available at college. Along with severalother undergraduates, I have become further acquainted with the teensthrough individual tutoring. To establish this new service program, I havedone intensive planning and budget management. I have refined rough,creative ideas into organized activities involving over twenty people.During the planning stages, I have worked closely with professional youthcounselors, other MIT participants, and the teens. While my involvement inthis program has been very demanding at times, seeing these teens learn anddevelop their interests has definitely made it worthwhile.During college I have learned many things outside of lecture halls andlibraries. In research labs, I have refined my intellectual curiosity andscientific thought processes. In the local community, I have developed myinterpersonal skills and a greater understanding of others. Through it all,I have learned to treasure the simple pleasures of helping others. Bybecoming a physician, I will continue to develop and apply these personalattributes.
注意:为了教学目的,该文发表时未加修改。Survivor of Anorexia; Emergency Medical Technician Training; ClinicExperience; Medical Volunteer in Honduras; HIV Test Counselor I decided that I wanted to be a doctor sometime after my four monthincarceration in Columbia Presbyterian Children's Hospital in the winter of1986-87, as I struggled with anorexia nervosa. Through the maturationprocess that marked my recovery, I slowly came to realize that mypediatrician had saved my life-despite my valiant efforts to the contrary.Out of our individual stubborn wills was born a kind of mutual respect, andhe is one of the people who make up my small collection of heroes.I admire doctors who understand both what is said and what is held back,who move comfortably around the world of the body, and who treat allpatients with respect. I am lucky because a few of them have become myimpromptu teachers, taking a little extra time to instruct me in anatomy,disease or courtesy. During my Emergency Medical Technician training, oneof the emergency room doctors took me to radiology to point out the shadowof a fracture in a CT-scan and trusted me to hold a little girl's lip whilehe inserted sutures. The physicians in the Hospital 12 de Octubre inMadrid, Spain taught me to hear lung sounds and to feel an enlarged liverand spleen. They explained the social and medical difficulties associatedwith the management of pediatric AIDS until I understood the Spanish wellenough to begin asking questions; then they answered them. I work now in the Mayfield Community Clinic, which provides primary care tomembers of the Spanish-speaking community near Stanford University. My jobas a patient advocate involves taking histories, performing simpleprocedures and providing family planning and HIV counseling. I try to usethe knowledge I have gained from class and practice to formulate the rightset of questions to ask each patient, but I am constantly reminded of howmuch I have to learn. I look at a baby and notice its cute, pudgy toes. Dr.V. plays with it while conversing with its mother, and in less than aminute has noted its responsiveness, strength, and attachment to itsparent, and checked its reflexes, color and hydration. Gingerly, I searchfor the tympanic membrane in the ears of a cooperative child and touch aninfant's warm, soft belly, willing my hands to have a measure of Dr. V.'scompetence. I first felt the need to be competent regarding the human body when Ivolunteered with the Amigos de Las Americas program in the town of T. inLempira, Honduras. The hospital available to the people of T. (at a day'sride in the bed of a truck) was "where one went to die," so my partner andI, with our basic first aid certifications and our $15 Johnson & Johnsonkits, quickly became makeshift "doctors". The responsibility initiallycreated a heady feeling; a distressed mother called on us to bandage thetoe her eight-year-old son had accidentally sliced to the bone with hismachete. I told him the story of Beauty and the Beast in broken Spanishwhile my partner and I soaked the dirt from his toe, and during thefollowing week we watched him heal. Then our foster-mother, who normally tended to the sick, told my partnerand me to "check on the foot" of D. The gentle-eyed, sixty-five year oldman lay on his bed, his leg encased in bloody bandages from mid-calf totoe. After performing surgery, the hospital had given him a bottle ofinjectable antibiotics and some clean needles and sent him home withoutbandages or further instructions. My partner and I had not been trained tohandle so serious a situation. We did not know what had happened; we didnot know what the antibiotics were (or if they were actually antibiotics);we did not know if handling D.'s blood put us at risk for disease. Wewanted to leave, but leaving the house meant leaving D. and betraying ourfoster-mother's trust. So we injected the antibiotics and cleaned andbandaged the wound every day for our remaining two weeks in Hondurasalthough we felt ill-equipped for the responsibility, crippled by ourignorance and lack of supplies. In T., I did not feel qualified to receive the trust the townspeople gaveso willingly. As an HIV-antibody test counselor in California, I struggleeveryday to win my clients' confidence. Somehow a twenty-one-year-old,Caucasian female must be sincere, knowledgeable and open enough to earn therespect of a fifty-five-year-old man who could be her father, a high schoolsophomore, an ex-drug addict, and a pregnant Latina woman. My clients areblack, white, straight, gay, Ph.D. candidates and illiterate; some chooseto come to me while others have court-orders. Yet to communicateeffectively, each client must have enough confidence in me to engage indialogue about his drug or sex life and to believe what I tell him, whetheror not he chooses to act on our discussion. Speaking with patients, doctors and community members has opened my eyes tosome of the difficulties involved with healthcare provision, and I hope Ihave given some inspiration or comfort in exchange for the knowledge I havereceived. I want these lessons in openness and compassion to shape myunderstanding of medicine and allow me to become the type of doctor Iadmire.
如果你是个“多样性”的学生,当然就利用这一点。但不要为了多样而多样而反复地提,也不要认为由于“不同”本身就够你被录取。那样会使得我们觉得自己在被玩弄,同时也可能说明你不知道如何利用一次好的机会。只有那些能证明有重大残疾的人才应该写进文章里。我是说不是目前流行的诊断过分的残疾 du jour,在我的时代,这叫ADD。
注意:为了教学目的,该文发表时未加修改。 When I began volunteering at the American Civil Liberties Union ofMichigan, I was a doctoral candidate in English literature, a buddingscholar of the early novel. By the time I stopped volunteering ten monthslater, I had learned that I wanted to become a litigator, a lawyer whobrought his political beliefs and persuasive writing to bear on some of themost important social issues of the day. My experiences at the A.C.L.U.opened my eyes not only to the complexity and urgency of impassioned legalwork but also to my own professional aspirations. Under the supervision of the A.C.L.U.'s generous and busy legal director, Iwas quickly exposed to many aspects of practical lawyering. My first job-assessing and responding to the organization's voluminous mail-required meto analyze the fact patterns that various correspondents presented. Themany incoming accounts of police brutality, judicial indifference, andprison rape were often moving and frequently suspect. They forced me totemper my emotional responses and determine whether the complaints seemedboth factually plausible and within the A.C.L.U.'s limited purview. Afterthis challenging introduction, I was then asked to assist in the discoveryphase of a prisoner's rights case. This work was detailed and intricate: myjob was to reconstruct the specific events of a day in 1991 while searchingfor conflicts between the prison's official regulations and the actualconduct of its guards. As I called Michigan prisons for information, siftedthrough ten years of our client's prison records, and helped endlesslyrevise our pleadings, I learned a good deal about the small chores andthankless legal persistence that go into building cases. At the same time, I found considerable overlap between my new legal tasksand my ongoing academic work. In an A.C.L.U. case I assisted in, forexample, a judge overturned a state ban on partial birth abortion becausethe procedure had no precise meaning in the graduate lexicon, and thelegislation might thus chill a wide variety of graduate practices. Whatfascinated me was that when confronted with the task of interpreting aknotty and important text, the twentieth-century legal system made many ofthe same interpretive moves as the eighteenth-century novel readers I hadstudied in my English graduate work. As the case unfolded, the pleadingsdebated the legislators' authorial intentions; the relevant Supreme Courtand Sixth Circuit precedents; the contradictory testimony of variousgraduate experts; and, finally, the language of the statute itself. Like myeighteenth-century readers, modern textual interpreters were attempting tomake sense of a silent, ambiguous document by finding ways to situate itwithin different historical, intertextual, and linguistic contexts. Whileparticular interpretive conventions have changed over the centuries-modernlawyers cite prior cases and not Biblical parables to bolster theirarguments-I came to realize that the broader task of comprehending texts(whether artistic expression or legislation) has not. Moreover, as I roamedthrough the stacks of Michigan's graduate and law libraries, I increasinglybegan to believe that it is precisely through interpretation, throughembracing particular readings of Robinson Crusoe over others or throughfighting over the legal standing of terms such as "partial birth bortion"that a society obliquely expresses its priorities and values as well as itsblind spots. I began making these connections partly because my work on the prisoner'srights case had forced me to question my own values and unspokenassumptions. Was I being co-opted by working on behalf of an unrepentantracist and murderer who complained at having some writings and a swastikaconfiscated by prison officials? Or was I defending the rights of futureprisoners who might be writing less like our client and more like JohnBunyan, Henry David Thoreau, or Martin Luther King, Jr.? Had I succumbed tothe knee-jerk First Amendment absolutism that the A.C.L.U. is sometimesaccused of? I thought I knew what public policy I supported but I becamesorely aware of my legal ignorance: much as I needed to do so, I felt ill-equipped to objectively assess and synthesize the various judicialprecedents that pertained to the case. Although I was frustrated by myuncertainties and limited knowledge, I found myself increasingly excited bythe questions I was trying to ask. By the time I finally threw myself intothe bittersweet task of assisting a murderer, I had learned both how littleI knew of the law and how much I valued the nuanced, committed defense ofcivil liberties. My volunteer work left me wanting to do more in the legal sphere. While thelaw may be too ungainly and inefficient a vehicle to directly change theworld, it offers a unique opportunity to help influence people'sinterpretation of their world. With the knowledge and skills imparted by alegal education, I hope to get back to crafting public arguments overabortion, prisoners' rights, Internet expression, and other defining issuesof our day. 四、等候者信件
对转学文章的建议 (E. Whitney Soule, 康涅狄克格学院转学录取部主任)
E. Whitney Soule 录取部副主任 转学录取处主任 康涅狄格学院



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