"衔接"与"连贯"是两个相互联系又不同的概念。衔接是文章内不同句子间或内不同成分间的表层语法、词汇接应关系,连贯是话语语句意义或句子意义的深层功能连接关系;前者之于后者犹如"形式"之于 "内容"。 "衔接"是表层结构通过语法手段(如照应、替代、省略等)和词汇手段(如复现关系、同现关系等)来实现,从而使文章在结构上得以衔接。话语的衔接关系是通过形式标记(话语标记)来体现的;主要的形式标记有照应、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接五个方面。例如:
(1)Tom and Rose are good friends.They got to know each other in 1999.
例(1)中两个句子是衔接连贯的;第二句话中的they和第一句话中Tom and Rose发生了照应关系。
(2) We stayed at a small hotel in the capital of the island. The hotel was very high up and we had a wonderful view of the sea and the island.We had enjoyed the typical Greek food in the hotel restaurant and we enjoyed walking down the beaches,too.
例(2)是通过词汇衔接手段实现衔接的一个合格段落。 "hotel"一词的重复至关重要,它使话语得到了清楚的表达,起到了对话语的衔接。假如把第二句中的hotel改为it,把the hotel restaurant改为the hotel there,语法结构上存在衔接,但是由于指代不明确(it和there指hotel还是island,易产生歧义。形式上的衔接并不能保证一段文字能够成为一个连贯的篇章。安克维斯特举出了一个目前在语言学界很著名的例子:
(3) I bought a Ford.The car in which President Wilson rode down the Champs Elysees was black. Black English has been widely discussed.The discussion between the Presidents ended last week.A week has seven days.Every day I feed my cat.Cats have four legs.The cat is on the mat.Mat has three letters.
Enkvist指出这是个衔接得很好的篇章,因为在例(3)中有诸如Ford对应car,black对应Black,my cat照应cats这一类的衔接关系,但是我们不能把这样连接起来的句子看作是一个语意连贯的篇章,原因很简单,这些句子之间没有-个连贯的意思。
(4) I went to visit the writer.1 went there at 5 in the afternoon.Another guest was with him.He was smoking.He lived in a remote village and his house was just a hut.His wife and his daughter were also at home.She served me with a cup of tea and her hospitality impressed me a lot.He told me that he was very tired recently.He didn't want to have the interview.
例(4)这段话读了后有点让人摸不着头脑。"there"指的是什么地方? "他"在抽烟,"他"指的是谁?"她"为我端了一杯茶,"她"指的是"女儿daughter"还是"他的妻子his wife"?尽管读者发挥自己的想象和联想,还是弄不清楚上面的几个问题。如用衔接中的语法手段或词汇手段将这段话中的句子有效地衔接起来,这些问题就能得以解决。我们可以把这段话作如下改动:
1went to visit the writer.He lived in a remote village and his house was just a hut.I got to his house at 5 in the afternoon. I saw another guest talking with him when l got there.They were smoking.His wife and his daughter were also at home. His daughter served me with a cup of tea and thEir hospitality impressed me a lot.However,it was my bad luck that the writer looked very tired after talking with the guest for a long time.He told me that he was very tired recently so he would like to have a rest and have the interview later on when he was energetic.
通过修改这段话衔接紧密,结构紧凑,意思表达清楚。这段话的衔接主要通过三种手段:照应、复现、同现。He指代了writer,there指代了his house,they指代了writer and the guest,因此产生了照应关系;通过对his daughter以及the guest,the writer的重复以避免引起歧义,用复现的手法使句子间更好地得以衔接;通过tired 和energetic,recently和later on的同现构成了两句话的对立关系。学生们通过对比就能一目了然。
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