1A 60-year- old female presents with continued periumbilical stomachache with vomiting for one week. Bowel sound is active. X-ray abdominal plain film reveals colonic obstruction. Which of the following is NOT a common cause of large intestine obstruction?
B.Ulcerative colitis
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2The most common involved vessel of mesenteric vascular ischemic diseases is
A.Superior mesenteric artery
B.Superior mesenteric vein
C.Inferior mesenteric artery
D.Inferior mesenteric vein
E.All above
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3If the initial part of SMA is embolized,which part of intestine will be involved?
B.small intestine and colon
C.small intestine,cecum and ascending colon
D.ascending colon and transverse colon
E.descending colon,sigmoid colon and rectum
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4A 50-year male with paroxysmal abdominal pain for 6 days,nausea and abdominal distension for days admitted to the ER. Physical examination showed abdominal bulge and visible peristalsis. Active bowl sound and gurgling could be heard by auscultation. X-ray showed fluid level in the dilated small intestine in the middle abdomen and a small a-mount of gas in the colon. The most possible diagnosis is :
A.Paralytic intestinal obstruction
B.Lower-level small intestinal obstruction
C.Higher-level small intestinal obstruction
D.Necrostic enteritis
E.Sigmoid volvulus
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5Which part of the intestine is the predilection site of Crohns disease?
B.Terminal ileum
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6A male,age 36 ,has isotonic dehydration caused by adhesive intestinal obstruction for 4 days. The preferred supplem entary treatment is
A.1/25% isotonic glucose sodium hydride + 1/2 1.25% sodium bicarbonate solu-tion
B.2/35% glucose sodium chloride + 1 /35 % glucose solution
C.5% glucose sodium chloride solution
D.Compound sodium chloride+10% glucose solution
E.2/3 isotonic sodium chloride + 1 /3 1.25% sodium bicarbonate solution
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7For a symptomatic partial duodenal obstruction secondary to an annular pancreas,the operative treatm ent of choice is
A.A Whipple procedure
C.Vagotomy and gastrojejunostomy
D.Partial resection of the annular pancreas
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8A 70-year-old woman has nausea, vom iting, abdominal distention, and episodic,crampy midabdominal pain. She has no history of previous surgery but has a long history of cholelithiasis fo r w hich she has refused surgery. H er abdominal radiograph reveals aspherical density in the right low er quadrant. Correct treatm ent should consist of
C.Ueotomy and extraction
D.Nasogastric tube decompression
E.Intravenous antibiotics
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9A 28-year-old previously healthy woman arrives in the emergency room complaining of 24h of anorexia and nausea and low er abdominal pain that is more intense in the right low er quadrant than elsewhere. On exam ination she has peritoneal signs o f the right low er quadrant and a rectal tem perature of 38. 38℃ (101. 8 。F ). At exploration throughincision of the right lower quadrant,she is found to have a small?contained perforation of acecal diverticulum . Which of the follow ing statements re
A.Cecal diverticula are acquired disorders
B.Cecal diverticula are usually multiple
C.Cecal diverticula are mucosal herniations through the muscularis propria
D.Diverticulectomy,closure of the cecal defect,and appendectomy may be indicated
E.A nileocolectomy is indicated even with well-localized inflam mation
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