资料题:What is Mr. Pushkin eligible to receive?
A.Discounted airfares
B.Price reductions
C.A lower interest rate
D.Complimentary meals
To Igor Pushkin <igpush@flatmail.com>From Melanie Hayes <hayes@optimaclientserve.com>Subject Fidelity Optima CardDate September 24Dear Mr. Pushkin,Thank you for signing up for a Fidelity Optima credit card! Your card will arrive in the mailwithin five business days. Upon receipt, activate your card by calling 1-800-555-3311. You'llalso need to set up a pin code with one of our representatives so that you may use the card toconduct transactions at retail outlets and cash machines.As a cardholder, you have been automatically enrolled in the Fidelity Optima benefits program.By using the card, you accumulate mileage points with the Galaxy Alliance airline group. Youcan also earn free flights and hotel accommodations.Not only that, but you can get discounts of up to 15 percent by using your Fidelity Optima cardwith one of our partner businesses! Get 10 percent off any purchase at Cali-Coffee House, andsave 15 percent at all Natural Blends cosmetics shops! For a full listing of participatingbusinesses, check out www.fidelityoptima.com/benefitsprogram.We truly appreciate our customers and hope you will enjoy all the perks that come with being aFidelity Optima card carrier!Best regards,Melanie HaynesClient ServicesFidelity Optima Credit Cards Incorporated