A.To report recent management changes
B.To confirm the opening of an establishment
C.To gather suggestions for a print advertisement
D.To provide additional information on event preparations
MEMOTo: All staff membersFrom: Matilde Montagna, Chairperson, Turini Film FestivalDate: October 5Subject: Film Festival ScheduleI have finalized the timetable of activities for the film festival. Since we are currently understaffed, I want you to start on the necessary preparations as soon as possible to ensure that the schedule is strictly followed. Below is the timetable for the event:

As discussed at the meeting, the film and the documentary committees are responsible for arranging show times for all entries. The list containing each entry’s screening time should be finalized by October 20 to allow for the preparation of invitations, advertisements, and press releases for the festival.Moreover, I want to inform you that a dinner party will be held following the awards presentation. Ms. Belle is currently looking for restaurants and bars that might be interested in providing food and beverages. If you want to recommend a business, please coordinate with her.