A.He was unsure of how to make an assessment.
B.He was told to allow his manager to finish it.
C.He needs information about her backgroun
D.D.He was not able to view her portfolio.
ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL APPLICANTSDate: November 11Some of the applicants who applied for the position of artistic director at Whiff Magazine mailed in a resume and other documents, bur for your application to be accepted, you must fill out an official online application form. You can do this by visiting ww^v.whiff.com/about/careers and clicking on “Apply”. You will be directed to the form, which you should fill out completely. In addition to your contact inforirmtion, you will be asked to provide your work history, educational background, and references. Before submitting the form, make sure to upload your resume and cover letter.If you possess the stated qualifications, I will contact you via e-mail to arrange an interview with the HR department. Only after 1 have finished rhe preliminary screening of ail the applicants will 1 contact the prospective candidates. For any queries, please contact Jack Krueger. Applicant Evaluation FormApplicant Name: Samantha Myers Position Applied For: Artistic director Assessor: Jack KruegerPlease rate the following criteria on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. Leave blank if an item does not apply or cannot be judged.

Comments: I was unable to perform a thorough evaluation but I think this candidate has potential. I’d like to call her in for an interview. To: Samantha Myers <sammimyers@ponderosamail.com >From: Jack Krueger <jkruegerhr@whiff.com>Subject: Interview Date: November 29 * IDear Ms. Myers,I would like to inform you that Whiff Magazine's HR Department is interested in interviewing you for the position of artistic director. We have tentatively scheduled your interview for Thursday at 10:00 a.m.The interview will take place on the 6th floor of the Winsome Tower. Once we have confirmed your interview date, I will put your name on the visitor list for that day. All you will need to do to enter the building is present identification, such as a driver’s license or something similar, to the security guard.May I ask you to please bring your portfolio on your interview date? We will need to see it to make our decision. Thank you, and we hope to see you on Thursday.Sincerely yours,Jack Krueger,Assistant human resources director, Whiff