资料题:What is the notice mainly about?
A.Emergency tips
B.New apartment units
C.A procedural change
D.A safety exercise
NOTICE: Tenants of Rosenmore PlaceFIRE DRILLMonday, August 15, 8 a.m.In accordance with state laws, Rosenmore Place will hold a fire drill on Monday next week. All tenants are required to participate. The exercise is meant to familiarize residents with the building’s alarm system and emergency exit points.It also aims to educate them on how to evacuate the building safely in case of a fire.A complete set of instructions on the drill has been distributed to all units. Tenants are advised to read the exit procedure thoroughly to avoid accidents during the exercise. It will start with the ringing of the alarm, which will signal everyone to leave the building and proceed to the open parking area. After that, security personnel will inspect all floors to make sure that the building is vacant. Please note that no one will be allowed to return to their units until the alarm has been shut off.The drill is expected to last for about 15 minutes, provided that everyone vacates the building as instructed. Management looks forward to the full cooperation of tenants and hopes that this exercise will make them more knowledgeable about fire safety procedures.