A.To introduce the chief of the city’s police force
B.To comment on a talk by a distinguished guest
C.To address the issue of community security
D.To explain the functions of the city council
A.Buy a tractor.
B.Fix a house.
C.See a piece of property.
D.Sing a business contract.
开始考试点击查看答案A.He can manage his time more flexibly.
B.He can renew contact with his old friends.
C.He can concentrate on his own projects.
D.He can learn to do administrative work.
开始考试点击查看答案A.they’d question the teachers
B.they’d charge up to the school
C.they’d tell the kids to clam down
D.They’d put the blame on their kids
开始考试点击查看答案A.it’s easy for people to become impatient
B.it’s difficult to create a code of conduct
C.it’s important to be friendly to everybody
D.it’s hard for people to admire each other
开始考试点击查看答案A.parents are worried when their kids swear at them
B.people think it improper to criticize kids in public
C.people are reluctant to point our kids’ wrongdoings
D.many conflicts arise between parents and their kids
开始考试点击查看答案A.people differ greatly in their ability to communicate
B.there are numerous languages in existence
C.Most public languages are inherently vague
D.Big gaps exist between private and public languages
开始考试点击查看答案A.she was a tailor
B.she was an engineer
C.she was an educator
D.she was a public speaker
开始考试点击查看答案A.They are more likely to survive serious diseases today.
B.Their average life span has been considerably extended.
C.They have lived long enough to read this article.
D.C.They have lived long enough to read this articl
E.D.They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier live.
开始考试点击查看答案A.men drink and smoke much more than women
B.men don’t seek medical care as often as women
C.men aren’t as cautions as women in face of danger
D.men are more likely to suffer from fatal diseases
开始考试点击查看答案A.it could happen to me, too
B.I should avoid playing golf
C.I should consider myself lucky
D.it would be a big misfortune
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