A.It’s not likely they will replace traditional textbooks.
B.They haven’t fixed all the shortcomings of print books.
C.Very few of them are available in the market.
D.Many people still have difficulty using them.
A.they are not reused once a new edition comes out
B.they cost hundreds of dollars every semester
C.they are too heavy to carry around
D.they take a longer time to revise
开始考试点击查看答案A.they find it troublesome to take notes with an iPad
B.they are unwilling to change their study behavior
C.they have get tired of reading on the iPad
D.they are not used to reading on the screen
开始考试点击查看答案A.they have to be revised repeatedly
B.they are inconvenient to use in class
C.they are different from most mainstream products
D.they are no more than print versions put on a screen
开始考试点击查看答案A.a good example of the mainstream products
B.a marvelous product of many creative ideas
C.a platform for building multimedia content
D.a mere skeleton of traditional textbooks
开始考试点击查看答案A.share his learning experience with the best and brightest thinkers
B.participate in discussions with classmates and Facebook friends
C.vote for the best learners democratically
D.store information on the cloud
开始考试点击查看答案A.students can switch to different discussions at any point
B.students can download relevant critical comments
C.professors can join in students’ online discussions
D.professors can give prompt feedback to students’ homework
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