A.Songs sung by zebra finches at a concert.
B.Songs sung by female finches for male finches.
C.Songs sung by male finches for female finches.
D.Songs sung by male finches to other finches.
A.Female finches only liked songs male finches sang for their mates
B.Female finches liked songs male finches sang for them.
C.Female finches liked to listen to songs from both speakers,
D.Female finches chose the best male singers as their mates.
开始考试点击查看答案A.Female zebra finches are too shy to sing before males.
B.Male zebra finches sing louder than females.
C.Female zebra finches like to listen to unknown males sing.
D.Male zebra finches change their songs to attract females.
开始考试点击查看答案A.tired of.
B.afraid of.
C.cautious about.
D.worried about.
开始考试点击查看答案A.She is 60 years old.
B.She has a boyfriend.
C.She has three children.
D.She lives in Madrid.
开始考试点击查看答案A.parents' tolerance.
B.housing problems.
C.cultural traditions.
D.unwillingness to get married.
开始考试点击查看答案A.the message sender has a specific audience.
B.the communicator sends messages to himself.
C.two communicators send messages to each other.
D.mothers talk to their babies in their mother tongu
E.B.the communicator sends messages to himsel
F.C.two communicators send messages to each other.D.mothers talk to their babies in their mother tongue.
开始考试点击查看答案A.Chirping away.
B.Zebra finches and their life.
C.Birdsongs as communication.
D.Frequencies of birdsongs.
开始考试点击查看答案A.They will be able to recognize speeches and texts.
B.They will be able to learn by themselves.
C.They will be able to predict problems.
D.They will be able to match human reasoning and behavior.
开始考试点击查看答案A.They will relieve us of many chores.
B.They will take over the information industry.
C.They will never surpass us.
D.They will become high-cost commodity items.
开始考试点击查看答案A.describe the life of Hans Moravec.
B.support the view that robots will play a major role in our life.
C.B.support the view that robots will play a major role in our life.C.make fun of the views of Hans Moravec.
D.get people prepared for the threat of future robots.
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