
资料题:The subject of this passage can be( )。


A.important scientific principles

B.science and modem conveniences

C.science and civilization

D.discovery of scientific law


The whole atmosphere of the world in which we live is affected by science as is shown mostimmediately and strikingly by our modem conveniences and material resources A little deeper thinking shows that the influence of science goes much farther and colons the entire mental out look a the modem civilized man on the world about him.Perhaps one of the most telling evidences of this is his growing freedom from superstition (迷信),Freedom from superstition is the,result of the belief that the  world is rot governed by caprice(反复无常), bu that it is a world of order.and can be understood by man if he will only try hard enough and be clever enough.This conviction that the world is understandable is, doubtlessly the most important gift of science to civilization.The widespread acceptance of this view can be dated to the discovery by Newton of the law of gravitation; and for this reason Newton may be justly regarded as the most important single contributor to modem life.



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