
资料题:How long will be the program called Cartoon Series?


A.For half an hour

B.For an hour and a half

C.For 1/3 hour

D.For 2/3 hour


Advance Notice of TV programApril 25th, 2009 (Sunday)Central Television StationChannel 38 : 30 Follow Me (55)9: 00 Learning Pinyin (34)9 : 30 For Children: 1. Who Is the prettlest? 2. The Hat 3. A Disturbance in Planting Trees10 : 00 Feature Film: The Red Elephant11 : 00 Documentary: Cutivating Ineligence12 : 00 News13 : 00 Popular Science Film: The Development of Scientific Industry of Japan14 : 00 Final from the Guangzhou International Women's Volleyball Tournament16 : 00 English on Sunday: David Copperfield (2)17 : 00 Japanese on Sunday: Mountain Calls for Afar (4)18 : 30 Cartoon Series: the Wonderful Adventure for NIs (50)19 : 00 News19 : 50 For your Information (308): How to Keep the Refrigerator in Winter20: 20 Yangtze River (16): L ushan Mountain21 : 00 China's Natinalities (9): Life of the Miao People21 : 55 Around the world; Glimpses of Japan22 : 30 Cultural L ife: Chrysanthemum Show23: 15 TV Play: the Son from Afar (17- 20)02 : 30 Close 



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