
资料题:If one fails to pay the premium within any 30-day period, then what will happen?


A.He will be fired.

B.He will lose his insurance.

C.The insurance will be discontinue

D.B.He will lose his insuranc

E.C.The insurance will be discontinued.D.He must pay some fines.


Separation ArrangementsIn cormection with your separation, your attention is called to the following matters 1. Your coverage will be contimed for 10 days from date of termination. Under federal law (COBRA), you may be covered under this policy for up to 18 montt by paying the Compary the premiun armount specified below within 30 days of termination and by su6sequenty contiming to pay the premium in a timeEy fasfion. Failure to pay the premium within arry 30- day period will result in discontimuance of the insurance.Lour GROUP PREMIUM RATE is 3.4%Your HEALTH PLAN NUMBERis 1278 3421- 11Us this mumber in all corre pondence concerning your benefits2 .Your GROUP LIPE INSURINCE policy terminates on the last day of your employment, but it can be corverted without a piysical examination and at a figher infividua rate within 30 days of termination. If you wishi to do so, contact the insurance compary within the next 30 daysIf you have arry questionrs about the.e matters please call.RundelTPersormel Director



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