
资料题:Why does Helen write to Ted?


A.Because Helen wantsto tell hertroubles to Ted.

B.Because Helen wants to share hernew house's happiness to Ted.

C.Because Helen wants to visit Ted onweeken

D.D.Because Helen wants to have agarden just like Ted's.


Dear TedAt last mry dream has come true. 1 kuow you will be glad to learn that we hate boughit a fious, for you Fnow how much I ve uanted this to fappen We re very happy. We fiave a smal vegetable garden Each of the children has claimeda ittle square of it, andI can sxee nouw that even if we fhave notfing else to eat, we’ll hare plernty of rafishes.How I wisth that you could come and vist! If there is ary psifilit, do make every effort. We can make you comfortable, and it wouldbe a joy to have you uithi us 2ou can visit on ary time.I're aluays told you about my prolemrs and I uanted you to shuare try happines too.AffectionateFy,Helen



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