A.Because she wants to show thatfamily planning programs are moreefficientin helping cutemissions.
B.Because she feels proud of thebenefits brought by China's familyplanning policy.
C.Because she personally likes to citefigures and data to makeherunderstandable.
D.Because she wants to remind othersthat she made the research togetherwith Thomas Wir
A.Population growth has nothing to dowith the emissions growth globally.
B.Most of past population growth hasbeen responsible for 40 percent ofemissions growth.
C.Most of past population growth hasbeen responsible for 60 percent ofemissions growth.
D.Most of past population growth hasbeen responsible for between 40percent and 60 percent of emissionsgrowth.
开始考试点击查看答案A.It is mainly an issue of emissionreduction.
B.It is a challenge involving no culturalissues.
C.It is linked closely with population.
D.It is the respspsibilityt of the developedcountries to solve it.
开始考试点击查看答案A.try to control
B.make…less serious
C.make…more serious
D.try to decrease
开始考试点击查看答案A.One can find further informationabout the concerts on internet.
B.Marlboro is a name for a musicalcommunity, but not a name for acollege.
C.The concerts will last for four weeksfrom August 16.
D.In Marlboro College you can learmmore about the history of music.
开始考试点击查看答案A.A website
B.Sony Classical
C.A generous friend
D.The college community
开始考试点击查看答案A.World Climate change
B.China's Population control
C.Relationship between climate andpopulation
D.Population control called key to deal
开始考试点击查看答案A.2 hours
B.3 hours
C.1 hour
D.1/2 hour
开始考试点击查看答案A.Eagles is the secretary of Susan.
B.Eagles wants Susan to know theinformation of the meeting as soonas possible.
C.Eagles wants Susan to work in be
D.D.Eagles needs to discuss a reportwith her.
开始考试点击查看答案A.Dec.29th, 2009
C.29th, 2009B.Dec. 30th, 2009C.Dec. 31st, 2009
D.Jan. 1st, 2010
C.General manager
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