推荐等级:A.you can drive anywhere in the U. S.
B.you don't have to apply for an international driver's license
C.You cannot across the border in a car
D.you must know the traffic laws of another state before you enter it .
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.for you with free telephone service
B.pay you a certain amount of your total cost of the repair
C.pay you the total cost of the repair
D.send workers to repair the car
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.can be bought at a rather low price
B.is easy to operate
C.uses only a small amount of gas per mile
D.is special1y designed for a small fami1y
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.Americans are usually willing to wait for another car to enter busy streets.
B.Americans car do anything without leaving their cars.
C.American drivers can ignore a red light when they want to turn right.
D.Americans can drive at 55 miles per hour everywhere in their country.
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.there are vervfewrO6ots
B.we see robots only at certain tines
C.robot5are something new in our life
D.ro6ots are all around us
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.we get feedback through our eyes and ears
B.we get feedback through the robots
C.only robots get feedback
D.robots are not intelligent because of the feedback
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.They will probab1y take over in the future.
B.They are very helpful and useful to humans.
C.They are machines that are often out of order.
D.They are not friends of human beings.
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.More and better robots will be built .
B.People will stop making robots.
C.There will be laws against using robots.
D.Robots will benefit nobody.
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.the re1ation between anger and other emotions
B.the differences between men and women with respect to emotion
C.the influence of psychology on human emotions
D.the discovery of anger from facial expressions
开始考试练习点击查看答案A.marked less than two percent of their possible choices correctly
B.did better than the average student in the group
C.seemed less able to judge correctly than the average student
D.performed in a manner not specified in the passage
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