推荐等级:A.If firewood had not become scarce in seventeenth-century England, coal would not have been developed. If coal and whale oil shortages hadn't loomed, oil wells would not have been dug.
B.But the world's physical conditions and the resilience ( power of recovering quickly) of a well-functioning economic and social system enable us to overcome such problems, and the solutions usually leave us better off than if the problem had never arisen.
C.The recent extraordinary decrease in the death rate-to my mind, the greatest miracle in history-accounts for the bumper crop of humanity. In the last 200 years, life expectancy in the advanced countries jumped from the mid-30's to 70's.
D.If coal and whale oil shortages hadn't loomed, oil wells would not have been dug.B.But the world's physical conditions and the resilience ( power of recovering quickly) of a well-functioning economic and social system enable us to overcome such problems, and the solutions usually leave us better off than if the problem had never arisen.C.The recent extraordinary decrease in the death rate-to my mind, the greatest miracle in history-accounts for the bumper crop of humanity. In the last 200 years, life expectancy in the advanced countries jumped from the mid-30's to 70's.D.Instead, they lament (feel sorrow for) that there are so many human beings, and wring their hands ( indicate despair) about the problems that more people inevitably bring, and the problem that resources will be further diminished.
E.It will happen because men and women -- sometimes as individuals, sometimes as enterprises working for profit, sometimes as voluntary nonprofit groups, and sometimes as governmental agencies-will address problems with muscle and mind, and will probably overcome, as has been usual through history.
G.Statistic studies show that population growth doesn't lead to slower economic growth, though this defies common sense. Nor is high population density a drag on economic development.
H.A.If firewood had not become scarce in seventeenth-century England, coal would not have been developed. If coal and whale oil shortages hadn't loomed, oil wells would not have been dug.B.But the world's physical conditions and the resilience ( power of recovering quickly) of a well-functioning economic and social system enable us to overcome such problems, and the solutions usually leave us better off than if the problem had never arisen.C.The recent extraordinary decrease in the death rate-to my mind, the greatest miracle in history-accounts for the bumper crop of humanity. In the last 200 years, life expectancy in the advanced countries jumped from the mid-30's to 70's.D.Instead, they lament (feel sorrow for) that there are so many human beings, and wring their hands ( indicate despair) about the problems that more people inevitably bring, and the problem that resources will be further diminished.E.It will happen because men and women -- sometimes as individuals, sometimes as enterprises working for profit, sometimes as voluntary nonprofit groups, and sometimes as governmental agencies-will address problems with muscle and mind, and will probably overcome, as has been usual through history.F.Statistic studies show that population growth doesn't lead to slower economic growth, though this defies common sense. Nor is high population density a drag on economic development.G.We don't say that all is well everywhere, and we don't predict that all will be rosy in the future. Children are hungry and sick; people live out lives of physical or intellectual poverty and lack of opportunity; war or some other pollution may do us in.A. B. C. D. E. F. G.
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