推荐等级:A.How to provide police for the roadblock、
B.Never hinder smooth traffi
C.C.The way to check the suspects.
D.Keep roadblocks producing intended results.
E.Questioning is compulsory for all drivers.
G.Rules for roadblock positionin
H.A.How to provide police for the roadblock、B.Never hinder smooth traffic.C.The way to check the suspects.D.Keep roadblocks producing intended results.E.Questioning is compulsory for all drivers.F.Rules for roadblock positioning.The Advisory Committee of the State Police has issued the following guidelines for establishing a roadblock in order to identify and arrest drunk drivers.41.The roadblock must be established in a location that affords motorists a clear view of the stop. It cannot be established, for example, just over a hill or around a curve. Motorists must be able to see that a roadblock is ahead and that cars are being stopped.42.A roadblock must display visible signs of police authority. Therefore, uniformed officers in marked petrol cars should primarily staff the roadblock. Plain-clothes officers may supplement the staff at a roadblock, but the initial stop and questioning motorists should be conducted by uniformed officers. In addition to the officers conducting the motorist stops, officers should be present to conduct field sobriety tests on suspect drivers. A command observation officer must also be present to coordinate the roadblock.43.All cars passing through the roadblock must be stopped. It should not appear to an approaching motorist that cars are being singled out for some reason while others are not stopped, as this will generate unnecessary fear on the part of the motorist. The observation vehicle which is present at the roadblock will be able to pursue any motorists that refuse to stop.44.Each motorist stopped by the roadblock should be questioned only briefly. In most cases, an officer should ask directly if the driver has been drinking. In suspicious cases, an officer may engage in some further questioning to allow her or him to evaluate the driver’s sobriety. A driver who appears to have been drinking should be directed to the side of the road, out of the line of traffic, where other officers may conduct a field sobriety test. Each non-suspicious driver should be stopped only briefly, for approximately a minute or less.45.No drunk-driving roadblock should be in operation for more than two hours. Roadblocks in place for longer periods lose their effectiveness as word spreads as to the location of the roadblock, and motorists who have been drinking will avoid the area. In addition, on average only about one percent of all the drivers who pass through a roadblock will be arrested for drunk-driving, and, after a short period of time, officers can used more efficiently elsewhere.A roadblock may only be established for a single purpose—in this case, detecting drunk drivers—and should not be seen as an opportunity to check for a variety of motorist offenses. However, officers are not required to ignore what is plainly obvious. For example, motorists and passengers who are not wearing seat belts should be verbally warned that failure to do so is against the law. Detaining and ticketing such drivers is not the purpose of the roadblock and would unduly slow down the stops of other cars. An officer who spots a situation that presents a clear and present danger should follow through by directing the motorist to the side of the road where the officers are conducting field sobriety tests. These officers can then follow through on investigating the driver for crimes other than drunk-driving.A. B. C. D. E. F.
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