
Wu Yi Meeting With Governor of the State of Hawaii

来源: 2018-02-02 20:50

Wu Yi, Vice Premier of the State Council, met with Linda Lingle, Governor of the State of Hawaii, in Honolulu, Capital of the state of Hawaii, on April 4.

  Wu Yi said that the relations between the State of Hawaii and China developed favorably in recent years, and the two sides extensively communicated with each other in areas of trade and economy, science and technology, education and tourism, and trade increased with a high speed. In 2005, trade between the State of Hawaii and China amounted to US$1.12 billion, up by 67.6% compared with that of 2004.

  Wu Yi said that Chinese government actively promoted the friendly relations with the State and enhanced mutual communication and cooperation. Guangdong and Hainan Province of China made good relations with the State of Hawaii as the friendly province and state. Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau set up agencies in China to expand the cooperation with China in development and education of tourism.

  Lingle extended the warm welcome to the visit of Vice Premier Wu Yi on behalf of Hawaii state government and people. She said that the visit was much significant to push forward the cooperation between the State of Hawaii and China in various areas. Besides, Lingle led a business and trade group to visit China and obtained great achievements. She thanked China for the assistance to the Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau to establish agencies in China, and hoped to strengthen cooperation with China in tourism, trade and economy and humanities.

  Wu Yi took part in the signing ceremony of an agreement on tourism between China National Tourism Administration and government of the State of Hawaii on the same day.

  During the visit, Wu Yi will co-chair with US Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez and US Trade Representative Rob Portman the 17th Sino-US Joint Committee on Commerce and Trade on April 11 in Washington, Capital of the US. Representatives of 111 enterprises organized by China chambers and associations will hold seminars and promotion activities on trade and investment with US governments, chambers and associations and entrepreneurs in 13 states and 14 cities, and will sign commercial contracts or agreements with US enterprises covering agricultural product, software, airplane, automobile and parts, and electromechanical products.



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