

2020-06-30 07:34
2011 年 9 月公共英语四级考试真题及答案 Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) 听力 1-20 略 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) 英语常识 根据下列材料,回答 1-20 问题。 In the past decade, new scientific developments in communications have changed the way many people gather information about politics. The most important of these new 21 is the Internet. Recent research suggests the use of the Internet for political information increases the 22 of participation. While a (n) 23 relationship between Internet news and political participation has been found, a theoretical link as to why the Internet is 24 from other media forms is largely 25 This research is an attempt to 26 the "black-box" linking the Internet and political participation by building on two theoretical 27 . The first, surge and decline theory, comes out of political science and the second, media systems dependency theory, 28 from communications. Both explanations focus on individual costs and benefits of political participation. The media can 29 the "costs" by providing sufficient information to make 30 decisions about voting. Previous research 31 that the Internet benefits the public through the cost side of the equation. One of the media's greatest 32 is information and the public 33 on media to provide them with the in-formation they need. 34 the Internet is capable of providing information 35 , and from a multitude of sources, one would expect it to 36 political action through lowering the cost of information. Besides lowering participation costs, the media can 37 increase the benefits of participation. Intense media 38 of an event such as an election can 39 excitement that increases the perceived "benefit" of participating. The Internet may encourage a unique participation benefit 40 increased mobilization efforts. 21、A.technologies B.materials C.concepts D.devices 22、 A.practicability B.feasibility C.probability D.stability 23、 A.critical B.analytical C.empirical D.technical 24、 A.specific B.unique C.particular D.peculiar 25、 A.built B.losing C.missing D.connected 26、 A.unpack B.unroll C.untie D.unfold 27、 A.experiments B.comments C.approaches D.investigations 28、 A.orientates B.initiates C.correlates D.originates 29、 A.alter B.decrease C.induce D.cover 30、 A.informed B.accepted C.understood D.diversified 31、 A.declares B.denies C.promises D.argues 32、 A.databanks B.resources C.sources D.costs 33、 A.base B.act C.rely D.live 34、 A.Because B.While C.If D.Although 35、 A.casually B.objectively C.readily D.skillfully 36、 A.advertise B.popularize C.manage D.encourage 37、 A.also B.yet C.only D.just 38、 A.interference B.statement C.coverage D.image 39、 A.generate B.promote C.install D.expose 40、 A.for B.via C.at D.from Section III Reading Comprehension (60 minutes) 阅读理解 A Text 1 Paul Johnson's A History Of The American People is what we have come to expect from this productive writer--clear, colorful narrative, vivid character sketches, marvelous research, sweeping, confident statements, and an insistent conservative viewpoint which tempts him into serious omissions.He will not conceal his opinions, he tells us.Good.Then we can judge his history free of pretences to objectivity--his or ours. Almost at start, we notice something interesting: Johnson passes quickly over a defining moment in American history--the Columbus story--important because it is the first lesson every American schoolchild learns.How you treat that story--what you choose to tell of it--signals your view of the longer American experience, reaching to our time. In school textbooks, Columbus has always been presented as a hero.Only recently has a new set of facts--always available but ignored--begun to get into public attention: that Columbus, on landing, and desperate for gold, encountered native Americans who were peaceful and generous ( by his own admission) and tortured them, kidnapped them, enslaved them, murdered them.John-son, who goes into much detail about other matters (like Ronald Reagan's jokes) is silent on this.Among his numerous references there is none to Bartolome de las Casas, an eyewitness, who de-scribed in detail the horrifying evils committed by Columbus and his fellowmen against the Indians, which resulted in the native population of Hispaniola being wiped out--genocide is an appropriate term--by the year 1550. I suggest this is not an innocent omission.Johnson wants us to look positively on the history of the United States.Yes, he says, there were "severe wrongs" committed in "the dispossession of a native people" and in the institution of slavery.But has the U.S., he asks at the start of his book, "made up for its organic sins"? His whole book suggests that it has, and that in doing so it has be-come (he says at the end) "a human achievement without parallel...the first, best hope for the hu-man race". Since Johnson has decided that the U.S.is "the first, best hope for the human race", he has shaped its history accordingly.If we prefer to see that history as a complex and unfinished struggle of Americans for justice, against militarism, for economic, racial and sexual equality, we are badly served by a flattering admiration of those in power, pretending to be a history of "the people". 41、The first paragraph shows that the author's opinion of the book A History Of The American People is A.critical. B.objective. C.defensive. D.admiring. 42、The way people have been treating Columbus story indicates their view of A.the American school education. B.great heroes in American history. C.the development of American history. D.the American society at present. 43、The book makes no reference to Bartolome de las Casas probably because Paul Johnson A.is a writer fond of omissions. B.isn't tempted to make references. C.bears an inborn hatred for horrifying evils. D.doesn't want to see the image of the U.S.stained.
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2011年9月公共英语四级考试真题及答案 第 1 页2011年9月公共英语四级考试真题及答案 第 2 页2011年9月公共英语四级考试真题及答案 第 3 页2011年9月公共英语四级考试真题及答案 第 4 页2011年9月公共英语四级考试真题及答案 第 5 页


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