

2020-07-12 23:14
2016 国际货运代理考试专业英语真题及答案 一、单选题。 1. An NVOCC probably provides ( ) A. tramp service B. consolidation service C. a vessel operated by itself D. flight service 答案:B 2. The cargo manifest is prepared by ( ) A. shipper B. carrier’s agent C. consignee D. freight forwarder 答案:B 3. Which of the following documents can be used to exchange for the bill of lading ( ) A. cargo manifest B. shipping note C. delivery order D. mate’s receipt 答案:D 4. Non-conference lines have no ( ) A. fixed itinerary B. common tariff C. regular service D. vessel of theirs 答案:B 5.( )is subsequently exchanged for the marine bill of lading. ( ) A. Booking note B. Delivery order C. Mate’s receipt D. Cargo manifest 答案:C 分析:参考书中大副收据的内容,这句话是书中的原话。大幅收据以后可用来换取提 单。 6.The booking note is issued by the ( space. ) requesting allocation of shipping A. carrier to the agent B. carrier to the shipper C. shipper to the carrier D. carrier to the consignee 答案:C 分析:参考书中托运单的内容(shipping note), 托运单是由托运人签发给承运人要求 分配舱位的单据 二、多选题 1.Conference lines have ( ) A. fixed itinerary B. common tariff C. regular service D. stable freight rates 答案:ABCD 2.Tramp service have no ( ) A. fixed itinerary B. common route C. negotiated rate D. regular service 答案:ABC 3.Sea waybill is ( ) A. a non-negotiable document B. negotiable documents C. named consignee D. issued by shipper 答案:AC 4.Normally the marine bill of lading has three functions, namely ( A. evidence of the contract of carriage B. a receipt of goods C. a document of title to the goods D. the contract of carriage ). 答案:ABC 分析:提单的三大功用是:海上货物合同的运输证明 ;货物交付给承运人的收据;物权 凭证 三、判断题。 1.Mate’s receipt is issued by the forwarder to the shipper. ( ) 答案:错 分析:大副收据是由承运人签发的,而不是由货运代理人签发的。 2. A booking note is a commitment on the part of the shipper to ship the goods and serves as the basis for the preparation of the bill of lading. ( ) 答案:对 分析:托运单是由托运人根据买卖合同和信用证的有关内容向承运人或他的代理人办 理货物运输的书面凭证。经承运人或其代理人对该单的确认,即表示已接受这一委托,承 运人与托运人之间对货物运输的相互关系即告建立。托运单是提单制作的基础。这道题也 是课文中的原话。 汉译英(50%) 51.记名提单 52.指示提单 53.已装船提单 54.清洁提单 55.直达提单 56.转船提单 57.联运提单 58.可议付提单 59.唛头 60.货物描述 61.海上运输 62.普通货船 63.兼用船 64.子母船 65.班轮运输 66.租船运输 67.海运界 68.租船合同 69.载重吨 70.航空货物运价表 72.普通货物运价 73.特殊货物运价 74.等级货物运价 75.最低运价 76.正常费率 77.整箱货 78.拼箱货 79.集装箱货运站 80.集装箱堆场 81.多式联运 82.海牙规则
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2016国际货运代理考试英语真题及答案 第 1 页2016国际货运代理考试英语真题及答案 第 2 页2016国际货运代理考试英语真题及答案 第 3 页2016国际货运代理考试英语真题及答案 第 4 页2016国际货运代理考试英语真题及答案 第 5 页


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