

2020-07-17 15:28
2017 年 2 月雅思真题回忆及解析 水滴石穿,绳锯木断。备考需要一点点积累才能到达好的效果。无忧考网 搜集整理了 2017 年 2 月雅思真题回忆及解析,通过做题,能够巩固所学知识并灵活运用,考试时会 更得心应手。2017 年 2 月举行了 4 场考试,考试时间分别为 2 月 11 日、2 月 16 日、2 月 18 日、2 月 25 日,以下内容仅供参考。 2 月 11 日雅思口语真题回忆: Part1 1.Are people willing to buy expensive shoes? Sample: I think it depends. Many people just love shoes of famous brands like Chanel or Gucci. But other people may prefer shoes which are comfortable but not that expensive. 2.Which do you prefer, comfortable shoes or fashionable ones? Sample: I prefer comfortable shoes. Comfort comes first. But it would be perfect if they are also fashionable. Nowadays we have so many choices and I believe we can always find shoes we like. 3.Do you buy shoes from online shops? Sample: Yes, I have several pairs of shoes that I bought from online shops. They are usually cheaper than those from physical stores. Also I have more choices. 4.How often do you buy shoes? Sample: Well, it depends. On average I usually buy two to three pairs of shoes each season. But boots are more expensive than sandals. So I have more sandals than boots. 5.Have you ever bought shoes online? Sample: I have a pair of boots that I bought from online shops. I actually tried on the boots in a physical store. But it does not have my size so I bought them from an online shop. It is a delightful shopping experience after all. Part2&3 1. P2 Describe a family member who has had important influence on you You should say: who the person is what kind of person he or she is what this person has done to influence you and explain why you think this person isimportant to you 解析: 题目要求描述一个对你有很大影响的家人,并且要描述他/她是什么样的人,做了什 么影响到你,并且描述这个人为什么对你很重要。这里的影响可以是性格上的影响、对择 业或学习的影响等等。可从自已熟悉的角度写。 Talking about a family member that has important influence on me, the first one that came to my mind is my father. He is a lawyer. He is the most dependable and hardworking person I have ever known. He often leaves home early and comes back late. Though he is very busy, he always manages to make time for me. Family still comes first to him. To me he is a caring father. When I was a kid, he would watch cartoons with me. Whenever I was short of playmates, he would take the place. So I have a lot of fond memories of childhood. I think the most important influence he has on me is his attitude toward learning. He did not take law as his major when he was in college. Instead his major was about agriculture cultivation. He learnt the courses all by himself and all together he spent seven years to pass the Judicial Examination. He failed many times but he did not quit. From his experience, I come to realize that it takes great effort to be successful. So every time I met difficulties, I would remind myself to carry on. I have no reason to give up. He really sets a good example for me. P3 ① These days, people from different generations live together, do you think this is a problem? 解析: 题目问的是好几代人住在一起是否是个问题。可以从两个不同的方面回答。如是问题 ——生活习惯不同,可能会有作息等方面的矛盾;不是问题——人多可以分担家务、分忧 解难。 Well I think it depends. For the big family, the family members may have different living styles. For example, the elders may prefer to sleep early and get up early. But for the younger ones, they may prefer to take full use of the night to entertain themselves, watching TV or playing games. So they may have problems on daily schedules. Besides, the elders may contradict with younger members in their conceptions of education and work. But living together may also bring about benefits. In the family, grandmas and grandpas can help the young couple to take care of their children and relieve them from trivial housework. So it really depends. ② Why do some children get spoiled at home? 解析: 题目问的是孩子为什么会在家里被宠坏。可以从不同角度分析,如父母陪伴孩子的时 间不够,教育缺失;或者孩子很少受挫等等。 I think part of the reason should be traced back to their parents. Nowadays many couples choose to have only one child or two children. Children from these families get so much love that they have everything done for them. Gradually they may take it for granted that they don’t have to do anything. Many children get spoilt also because their parents are so busy with their work that they don’t have much time with their children. They cannot correct their children immediately when they make mistakes. Even worse, they may not have the time to spot their children’s problems. ③ Do young adults in your country like to communicate with old people? 解析: 年轻人是否喜欢和老年人交流。可以从不同角度谈:喜欢——可以获得更多建议;不 喜欢——有代沟。 Well, it depends. Many young adults like to communicate with old people because they can seek for advices from them. I like to talk to my grandpa whenever I have problems. He would not judge me. Instead, he would listen to me patiently and offer some nice advices. Sometimes he may not totally understand my problem, but he would comfort me and make me feel better. But not everyone is as lucky as me. I have friends who don’t like to talk with their grandparents because they think they are too old-fashioned. ④ How much do you think people should be responsible for (the welfare of) their own parents? 解析: 题目问的是人们应该多大程度上负责父母的保障。可以从子女、工作单位、政府三个 方面的职责分担展开。 I think people should shoulder at least half responsibility for the welfare of their own parents while the government and work units of their parents shoulder the other half. Parents are people who give us life and take care of us. They nurture us, protect us and offer the best love they could ever give. So it is natural for us to take care of them when they grow old. But sometimes there is too much burden to take full responsibility for their welfare, especially to people who have a large family to support. Luckily, companies and units now offer welfare insurance and the government also lends a hand to relieve people of the stress. ⑤ Do you think family relationships are important? 解析: 家庭关系是否重要?可以说很重要,夫妻关系重要,父母与子女的关系也很重要。 I think family relationships are very important. First the relationship between parents is important. If they care about each other, they will set a good example for their children. Thus when they grow up, they tend to follow their parents’ example and find a loved one as their partner. Secondly, the relationship between parents and their children is also important. It is true that parents should love their children but they shouldn’t indulge their kids. To love a child means parents should make time for their kids and support them when they meet difficulties. But they should also correct them when their children make mistakes. 2. P2 Describe an event in history in your country You should say: Where it happened When it happened What happened and how you feel about this event. 解析: 题目要求描述一项在你的国家发生的一个历史事件,并且要求从地点、时间、事件详 情这几个角度分别阐述,而且要表明你对这个历史事件的感受。可以描述一些故事性比较 强的事件,如昭君出塞、玄奘取经、秦始皇大建皇陵等等事件。 Well I guess everybody has heard about the story of Journey to the West. A monk named Xuanzang took three of his disciples to travel to the Western Regions to obtain Buddhist scriptures. They have suffered a lot on their way. Though the stories were made up, Xuanzang was a real figure in the history. He was a monk at Jingtu Temple in the early Tang Dynasty, which is about 1400 years from now. He felt that the Chinese translations of Buddhist scripture at that time were too poor, so he was determined to bring back the original Buddhist scriptures. He travelled a long distance to India. The journey took him a few years to complete. It was really a magnificent feat at that time. When Xuanzang finally arrived back in Chang’an, the emperor warmly welcomed him. The emperor provided money for his projects. A pagoda was built to store all the scriptures Xuanzang brought back from India. That pagoda is now the famous Big Wild Goose Pagoda located in Xi’an. I think his story is quite inspiring. Also I feel I am so lucky to have been born in modern ages. Nowadays if I want to go to another country, I could take a plane. It only takes a day at most to go to any place in the world.
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2017年2月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 1 页2017年2月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 2 页2017年2月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 3 页2017年2月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 4 页2017年2月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 5 页


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