

2020-07-17 17:25
2020 年 1 月 4 日雅思真题回忆及解析 不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。对于雅思考试而言,每天进步一点点, 基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。无忧考网搜集整理了 2020 年 1 月 4 日雅 思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。以下内容仅供参考。 1 月 4 日雅思口语真题回忆: 1.公共场合接陌生人电话 Describe an experience when you received a call from someone you don’t know in the public place You should say: When you received this callWhere you received this callWhat you were doing at thattime What the call was about And explain how you felt about the call 几周前的一个周日,我和朋友在咖啡馆的时候,我接到了一个陌生人的电话。那是一 个出租车司机的电话,当天早些时间我在出租车上掉了钱包。虽然我一般不喜欢接陌生来 电或是在公共场合打电话,那一天我很幸运接到那个电话,可以找回钱包,因为钱包里有 很多证件。 I usually prefer to talk to people in quiet and convenient places. And I have also had some annoying experiences of hearing people around me chatting for a long time, but I recently had a time in which I had to make a call in a public place and I was thrilled to receive the call. A few weeks ago,on a Sunday, I took a taxi to pick up my friend. I took my wallet out to check for something and probably just conveniently left it on the seat. When I got out of the taxi, I was in such a hurry ( 很 匆 忙 ) that I didn’t check everything. I didn’t even realize I had forgotten the wallet until I was in the café with my friend later that day. I had the taxi receipt with me so I immediately called the company to see if they could reach out ( 联 系 ) to the taxi driver. Usually, I don’t pick up phone calls with unknown number, you know how most of those calls are cold calling companies. That day, I was anxiously looking at my phone all the time in case I missed any. After around 20 minutes, I got this phone call with unknown number. I picked it up immediately. That was the call from the taxi driver telling me he has my wallet. I nearly cried out, cause I have all my important IDs and cards inside it. I moved to a corner table so that I wouldn’t disturb people sitting near us. He checked some information with me and told me he would meet me downtown later. I was lucky to get this phone call that day and finally get my wallet back as it saved me a ton of hassle ( 很 多 麻 烦 ). Still, I think it is important to follow simple rules of cell phone etiquette (电话礼仪) in public. 2.给别人的建议 Describe a time that you gave advice to othersYou should say: Who you gave advice toWhat the advice wasWhy you gave advice And explain how you felt about the advice 上学期的考试周前,我的好朋友面临 4 门考试,有两篇论文即将截止,周末还要参加 志愿服务工作。她不仅感到完成所有任务压力很大,还难以专注于任何一项。我是个擅长 规划时间的人,论文和复习任务都 在有条不紊地进行中,因而基于自己的日常经验,建 议她制定细致的时间安排表,每个时间段只关注一项 任务,并且劳逸结合。我是规划时 间的受益者,因而非常乐意与好朋友分享自我管理的心得,也很有信心 To most students, the time before the exam week is most often a nightmare. Many share the experience of being put on edge by the overwhelming workload and troubled by the immense anxiety as the exam week approaches (随着考试周临近,很多人都有被工作量和焦虑情绪支配,感到应接 不暇的经历). At the end of last semester, my best friend was struggling with 4 upcoming exams, 2 approaching paper deadlines and routine volunteer work at the weekends. Her being overwhelmed by the quantity and urgency of those tasks (独立主格结构,任务量和紧急性都让她难以承受 ), not only was she under huge pressure to accomplish insurmountable workload, she also found herself unable to concentrate on each one with the anxiety about not finishing the rest on time. (not only (but) also 倒装,她不仅感到完成所有任务压力 很大,还因为对完不成其他任务感到焦虑,难以专注于其中任何一项。) Adept at timemanagement, (擅长时间规划) I managed to cope with my exam preparations and paper deadlines easily, which naturally made me the one to turn to for advice in her time of need. Based on my own personal experience, I advised her to comb through her tasks and make a detailed timetable based on their urgency and priority, focusing on one task at a time. To alternate between work and rest also enhanced efficiency. Being a faithful practitioner of timemanagement, I benefited immensely from making and following individualized timetables.Therefore, I was more than willing to share my experience with those who encountered multitasking situations, being confident about the effectiveness of my advice. I was also willing to endorse faith in the fact that she would survive the crazy exam week by easing her anxiety, improving her study efficiency and concentrating on individual tasks one at a time to break down her workload into smaller chunks( 我有信心她能够 通过合理规划时间,缓解焦虑情绪,提高学习效率,更专注于每一项任务,从而顺利度过 繁忙的考试周). 1 月 4 日雅思听力真题回忆: Section 1 场景分类 旅游场景 内容概述 购买机票 题目回忆 1.contact phone number: 07958477222 2.best time to call: Thursday morning 3.number of people traveling: 7 4.date of return:22 November 5.purpose of the trip: wedding 6.special requirement: one passenger cannot eat cheese 7.last county visited: India 8.purpose of last foreign trip: business 9.consumer's comment on the website: too slow 10. email address: carter.s@speedtech .com 参考听力 C4T4S2 Section 2 场景分类 其他场景 内容概述 天文馆 题目回忆 11-12. What are the two advantages of memberships? A. members can get discounts E. members can join activities with their guests 13-14. What are the two activities that members can enjoy C. Running courses about astronomy D. They organize special camping trips 15-20 地图题 15.G 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.E 参考听力 C6T4S2. Section 3 场景分类 学术场景 内容概述 讨论错觉图像 题目回忆 21.C 22-25 暂缺 26.distorted 27.false horizon 28.theme architecture 29.shorter 30.暂缺 参考听力 C13T4S3. Section 4 场景分类 学术场景 内容概述 塑料的降解 题目回忆 31.people in design industry always use plastic 32.plastic is common in packaging and building materials 33.window frames begin to degrade and feel sticky after 10 ye 34.... is destroyed by fire 35.in some parts of Asia, some valuable old photographs Begin to degrade
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2020年1月4日雅思真题回忆及解析 第 1 页2020年1月4日雅思真题回忆及解析 第 2 页2020年1月4日雅思真题回忆及解析 第 3 页2020年1月4日雅思真题回忆及解析 第 4 页2020年1月4日雅思真题回忆及解析 第 5 页


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