

2020-07-17 17:24
2018 年 8 月雅思真题回忆及解析 梦想在前方,努力在路上。对于考生来说,拿到证书就是我们向往的远方。无忧考网搜集 整理了 2018 年 8 月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2018 年 8 月举行了 4 场考试,时间分别为 8 月 2 日、8 月 11 日、8 月 18 日、8 月 25 日。以下内容仅供参考。 8 月 2 日雅思阅读真题回忆: Passage 1: 题目: Beavers 海狸 题型: 6 填空题+7 判断题 题号:新题 文章大意:1. 海狸的生活习性;2. 人们对海狸从捕猎到重新引入;3. 海狸对环境的 作用 参考答案: 1-6) 填空题 1.colonies.海狸很有领地意识,不会跟殖民者分享栖息地。 2.aspen.海狸喜欢吃多种植物的树叶和树根,尤其是山杨. 3.tissue. 4.oil.海狸用什么让自己的皮毛油光水滑 5.lodge.海狸用树枝搭建成窝 6.mud.海狸用泥巳把树枝缝糊上以便防水。 7-13) 判断题 7.TRUE. 8.NOT GIVEN 9.FALSE. 10.FALSE. 11.TRUE. 12.TRUE. 13.NOT GIVEN (答案仅供参考) Passage 2: 题目:考古遗迹 题型:5 段落信息配对题+4 人物观点匹配题+4 摘要填空题 题号:新题 文章大意:考古类。发现了一个古代文明遗迹,讲到了其起源和作用。 参考答案: 14-18) 段落信息配对题 14.E 15.F 16.H 17.C 18.D 19-22) 人物观点匹配题 19.D 20.A 21.E 22.C 24-26) 摘要填空题 23.settlement 24.hammer 25.limestone 26.bones Passage 3: 题目:人类味蕾的发现和有关研究 题型:6 选词填空题+5 判断题+3 单选题 题号:新题 文章大意:最开始,食物的味道对人类生存有着巨大的意义。酸戒苦的味道意味着食物正 在 腐 坏 (decay)) , 甜 的 味 道 意 味 着 食 物 可 以 吃 。 人 们 对 食 物 的 分 辨 因 为 有 捕 食 者 (predator)的威胁而更有难度。人们的味蕾只能分辨出几种味道而已,更多时候我 们对味道的认知来源亍嗅觉(smell)。后来人们开始创造其他的酸味(文中说的酸奶等),这 是人们和动物不一样的地方。 参考答案: 27-31) 选词填空题 27.L. 28.F. 29.E. 30.K. 31.J. 32.D. 33-37) 判断题 33.YES. 34.NO. 35.NOT GIVEN. 36.YES.两个队伍同时给出同样的研究结果。 37.NO. 38-40) 单选题 38.C. 39.D. 40.D. Tastebuds Tastebuds (or Papillae) were first described by) Italian Phy)siologist Marcello Malpighi in the late 1600's. Malpighi is considered to be the founder of the fields of histology) and anatomic microscopy), as he was one of the first people to carefully) examine the tissues of plants and animals using a microscope. In addition to first describing papillae, Malpighi was the first person to see red blood cells, and he was the first person to actually) see the small blood vessels connecting arteries and veins, verify)ing the theory) of blood circulation proposed by) William Harvey). Malpighi named these vessels capillaries. Any) time y)ou come across something described as Malpighian (for example the Malpighian Tubules of insects, or Malpighian Tufts in the kidney)), it was first described by) Marcello Malpighi. The average person has about 10,000 taste buds and they)'re replaced every) 2 weeks or so. But as a person ages, some of those taste cells don't get replaced. An older person may) only) have 5,000 working taste buds. That's why) certain foods may) taste stronger to y)ou than they) do to adults. Smoking also can reduce the number of taste buds a person has. But before y)ou give taste buds all the credit for y)our favorite flavors, it's important to thank y)our nose. Olfactory) (say): ahl-FAK-tuh-ree) receptors inside the uppermost part of the nose contain special cells that help y)ou smell. They) send messages to the brain. Here's how it works: While y)ou're chewing, the food releases chemicals that immediately) travel up into y)our nose. These chemicals trigger the olfactory) receptors inside the nose. They) work together with y)our taste buds to create the true flavor of that y)ummy) slice of pizza by) telling the brain all about it! When y)ou have a cold or allergies, and y)our nose is stuffy), y)ou might notice that y)our food doesn't seem to have much flavor. That's because the upper part of y)our nose isn't clear to receive the chemicals that trigger the olfactory) receptors (that inform the brain and create the sensation of flavor). Try) holding y)our nose the next time y)ou eat something. You'll notice that y)our taste buds are able to tell y)our brain something about what y)ou're eating — that it's sweet, for instance — but y)ou won't be able to pick the exact flavor until y)ou let go of y)our nose. So the next time y)ou chomp on an apple or slurp up some soup, thank y)our tongue — and y)our nose! Without them, life wouldn't have any) flavor. 8 月 2 日雅思听力真题回忆: Section 1 场景: 咨询 题型:10 笔记 参考答案: 1.green ride 2.map 3.bird watching 4.5 hours 5.child seat 6.guide 7.待补充 8.holiday) 9.post office 10.待补充 (答案仅供参考) Section 2 场景:介绍——图书馆 题型: 6 配对+4 多选 11-16)配对 11.citizen's club -Money) 12.Bank - land 13.Manufacturer - material 14.Industries - Labor 15.National telephone - equipment 16.Insurance - art work 17-20) 多选 17-18) What are the two features of reading garden A.unique B.待补充 19-20) Two policies of the Art center B. the paintings are removed regularly) D. the works can be display)ed for a short period of time (答案仅供参考) Section 3 场景:学术讨论——选课场景 题型:4 单选+2 多选+4 配对 参考答案: 21-24) multiple-choice question 21.Why) does the man want to change the course? A. go abroad and find work from other country) 22.What does the man think about the course economics? B. uninterested, boring and dull 23.The woman's opinon about choosing the course. 24.Why) does the woman Anna want to have the Foreign Language Course? C. it is useful for business and commerce 25-26) 多选 25-26) What do they) think about the lecture? A. encourage student to have free thought B. the professor is enthusiastic about the lecture 27-30) Mathcing 课程带来的帮助 课程一:speak in public 课程二: Psy)chology) - team work in large group 课程三: Interpretation - cooperation 课程四:reduce quarrel caused by) the culture difference Section 4 场景: 学术讲座——颜色和情绪 题型:10 笔记 参考答案: 31-40) 31.hearing music 32.study) ability) to handle multiple tasks 33.unimportant 34.evolution of language 35.memories 36.find out science mechanism to explain 37.genetic origin 38.display) 39.random arrangement 40.triangle (答案仅供参考) 8 月 2 日雅思口语真题回忆: Traveling 1. Do y)ou like travelling? Yes, I like travelling very) much. I alway)s pick up a place to travel with my) parents during the winter and summer vacation. I love the feeling to acknowledge the customs, people and delicious food of a new place. Besides, it is also a good opportunity) to accompany) my) parents. 2. What way)s of transportation do y)ou often use when travelling? I often use train as the prior way) of transportation when traveling. When I’m on a train, I can view the scenery) of cities and villages alongside the rail. Sometimes people who take the same train with me will tell me some interesting anecdotes, which adds a lot of fun to this trip. 3. What kind of places do y)ou like to travel to? I like to travel to some places unknown to the public where few visitors come. In these places, I don’t need to worry) about the situation where a scenery) full of people would destroy) my) mood of traveling. Meanwhile, there are few artificial landscape in these places which allows me to be embraced by) real nature. 需要改进的公共场所 P2 Describe a public place that needs improvements. You should say):
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