

2020-07-17 17:24
2019 年 3 月雅思真题回忆及解析 所有的成功都来自于行动,只有付诸行动,才能一步步走向成功。无忧考网搜集整理了 2019 年 3 月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2019 年 3 月举行了 4 场考试, 时间分别为 3 月 2 日、3 月 9 日、3 月 14 日、3 月 23 日。以下内容仅供参考。 3 月 2 日雅思口语真题回忆: Part 1 考题总结 考题总结 Work or study What work do you do? Why you choose to do that job? Is it interesting? Do you miss being a student? What’s your favorite subject in your major? What did you learn from your major? What are more important to your studies, teachers or students? Do you prefer studying in the morning or afternoon? What kind of job do you want in the future? Did you do any part time work while you were studying? Hometown Where’s your hometown? Do you like it? What do you like most about it? What don’t you like about it? Are there any tourist attractions? Where would you recommend a tourist to visit? Would you want to move somewhere else in the future? Morning routine What do you do in the mornings? Is breakfast important? What is your morning routine? Movies Do you watch movies? What kind of movies do you like? Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema? Cooking Have you ever cooked? Do you like cooking? Do you want to learn how to cook? Shoes How often do you buy shoes? Have you bought shoes online? What’s your favorite type of shoes? Weather Do you prefer dry or wet weather? What’s your favorite season? What kind of weather is typical in your hometown? Drink water How often do you drink water? What kind of water do you like to drink? Do you drink bottled water or water from water machine? Sunglasses Do you like to wear sunglasses? Where can you buy sunglasses? Do people in your country wear sunglasses? Color What’s your favorite color? Do you like dark color? Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color? Holiday What kind of places do you like to go on holiday? Who would you like to go on holiday with? Where do you plan to go for a holiday in the near future? Photo Do you like to take photos? Do you like to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? In what situations do you take photos? How do you keep your photos? Paintings What do you know about paintings? Have you learned drawing or painting? What kind of paintings do you like? If someone wants to draw a picture of you, will you agree? Cities Do you like cities you are living now? Which city have you been to recently? Do you prefer the city or countryside? Park Are public parks very important in China? Do you think there are enough public gardens or parks in your hometown? Why do people who live in cities like public gardens? Music When do you listen to music? How much time do you spend listening to music each day? What’s your favorite kind of music? Have you ever been to a concert before? Transport What transport do you like to take when you go travelling? Do you prefer public transport or private transport when you go out? Which did you choose the last time you went out? Why? What advice would you give to the visitors to your country on transport? How can the government encourage people to take the public transport? Teachers Do you want to be a teacher in the future? Do you have a favorite teacher? Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not? What’s the difference between young and old teachers? Sports Do you like to watch sports on TV? Do you play any sports? What kinds of sports are popular in China? Do you have a favorite sports star? Sky How often do you look at the sky? Do you prefer the sky in the mornings or the sky at night? Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live? Stars Who is your favorite movie star? Have you met a celebrity in real life? Do you want to be a superstar in the future? Sleep How much sleep do you need each day? Do you take a nap? Do you like to read before bed? Tea and coffee Do you often drink tea or coffee? Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee? Crowded place What places do you think are often crowded? How do you feel when you are in crowded places? Emails How often do you write an email? Who do you write to? Do you think it’s important to reply emails quickly? Sharing Do you have anything to share with others recently? What kind of things do you like to share with others? What kinds of things are not suitable for sharing? Patience Were you a patient person when you were young? How do you feel when other people are not patient? Were you less or more patient when you were angry? Part 2 考题总结 考题总结 人物题 Someone you haven’t seen before but you would like to know more A person who helps to protect the environment A teenager you know A person who is beautiful or handsome A person you wanted to be similar when you were growing up An old person who is interesting An intelligent person A person you would like to study or work with 地点题 An indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to study A beautiful city An interesting part of your country A place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home An ideal house 物品题 A film or TV program that made you laugh The last book you read The book you want to write A good law in your country An activity you would do when you are alone in your free time A family business you know Something given to you that you really need Something you receive which was made by hand An important plant in your country A skill that took you a long time to learn A language you want to learn (not English) A game that you played in your childhood A complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result An interesting talk or lecture Your grandparent’s job A food people eat during a special event An item you bought but do not often use Something lost by others but found by you A newly built facility 事件题 A time when you received money as a present A time you enjoyed your free time A time you taught something new to a younger person A time you received a horrible service Something you do to help you study or work An important decision made with the help of other people A time that a piece of equipment of yours was broken(such as TV) A historical period you are interested in A success your friend has achieved A piece of good news you heard A time you had to change your plan Something you didn’t have time to do A party you enjoyed A time you wore a type of clothes for a special occasion A trip that you went on by public transportation A happy experience Something interesting that your friends have done but you haven’t Something you do to keep you concentrated
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2019年3月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 1 页2019年3月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 2 页2019年3月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 3 页2019年3月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 4 页2019年3月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 5 页


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