

2020-07-17 17:25
2019 年 6 月雅思真题回忆及解析 所有的成功都来自于行动,只有付诸行动,才能一步步走向成功。无忧考网搜集整理了 2019 年 6 月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2019 年 6 月举行了 3 场考试, 时间分别为 6 月 1 日、6 月 13 日、6 月 29 日。以下内容仅供参考。 6 月 1 日雅思口语真题回忆: Part 1 考题总结 考题总结 必考话题 Work/study Do you work or are you a student? What is your favourite subject? Do you like studying? Where do you study? / What school do you study at? How do you go to school every day? Is your school a good place for studying? Do you like your school? What do you like most about your school? How do you think your school could be improved? How much (how many hours) study do you do every week? Do you work or are you a student? What work do you do? Do you enjoy that work? Why did you choose to do that type of work? How do you go to work every day? How much (how many hours) do you work every week? Would you say that’s a good company to work for? Would you like to change the place where you work? How do you think your workplace could be improved? What’s the most important part of your work? Do you do anything that especially helps you in your work? How do you think you could improve your efficiency at work? Your accommodation Do you live in a house or a flat? Have you lived there for a long time? What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived before? What's your favourite room? What kind of places would you like to live in (in the future)? 人相关话题 Stars Have you ever met a celebrity in real life? Who is your favourite movie star? Are international superstars popular in your country? 地点相关话题 Places to play Where did you usually play when you were a child? Did you often play at your friend's home? Did you like to play outside or inside when you were young? Do you think it’s important for children to play outside? Cities What cities have you ever travelled to? What kind of cities do you like to travel to? Would you ever move to another city for work? Would you ever move to another city because of the weather? Your living area Where are you living at the moment? / Where do you live at the moment? Have you lived there for a long time? Do you like living there? Do you know many people living nearby? Are you planning to move to another area to live? What changes have you seen in this area? What improvements would you like to see in this area? (Different to above) What changes do you expect to see in this area? Crowded places What are the most crowded places in your city? Do you like to go to crowded places? How do you feel in crowded places? Do you prefer to go to crowded places or places that have few people? When was the last time you went to a crowded place? 物品相关话题 Perfume Do you like perfume? / Why? Do you wear perfume? Do you have many bottles of perfume? / Why? What kind of perfume do you like? Have you ever given perfume as a gift? / Why? Would you ever give perfume as a gift? How much would you like to spend on a bottle of perfume? / Why? Patience Would you say you are a patient person? Would you be impatient if someone were late for an appointment with you? Do you think you are more patient now than before? Do you think you will be more patient in the future? Would you say people in your city are generally patient? Tea and coffee Do you prefer to drink tea, or coffee? When was the last time you drank tea or coffee? Do you most often drink tea or coffee? Which is more popular in your country, drinking tea or drinking coffee? Do people in your country usually offer tea or coffee to guests who visit them at home? Mathematics When did you start learning maths? Do you like maths? / Why? Do you think females are good at maths? Do you think we should use a calculator when learning maths? Do you often use a calculator? Do you think maths is important (for everyone)? Some people think that maths isn’t needed in our daily life. What do you think? Smiling Do you like to smile? Do you smile when you are having your picture taken? On what occasions do people smile to others? Can you feel if someone’s smile is fake? Garbage What do you do when you see rubbish on the street? Can you suggest why some people throw their litter on the ground? How would you feel if you saw someone throw litter on the ground? Have you ever done anything to make your city cleaner and tidier? Do you think plastic bags are a serious environmental problem? Do you think it's important to protect the environment? Do you think schools should educate children to protect the environment? Street market Do you like visiting street markets? Are street markets very common in your country / where you live? Would you be interested if you saw a street market in a foreign country? Do people in your country prefer to shop at a street market, or in a shopping mall? Are there many shopping malls in your living area? Social media How often do you use social media like Facebook and Weibo? Why do you use social media? Do you think social media is a good place for making friends? What do you think are the disadvantages of using social media websites? In the future, do you think you will use social media more than you do now, or less? Reading Do you like reading? What kinds of book do you usually read? Do you like E-books? Do you read professional books? Have you ever lent or borrowed a book? Pets Have you ever had a pet? Do many people in your country keep a pet? What kind of pets do people like to have? What kind of pets do people dislike? Is there any animal you would like to have as a pet? What animal(s) would you not like to have as a pet? Sky Do you often look at the sky? / Why? Do you prefer to look at the sky in the daytime, or at night? Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live? Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live? Did you learn anything about astronomy at school? Films Do you like to watch films? / Why? What types of films do you like to watch? Do you like going to the cinema? How often do you go to a cinema? Do you prefer to watch a film at home or in a cinema? Do you prefer to watch a film alone or with others? Do you have a favourite movie star? Is there any foreign movie star famous in your country? Have you ever seen a movie star in real life? Would you like to be a movie star? Emails Do you use email? How often do you use email? Do you think it's important to reply to emails immediately after you receive them? What kinds of emails make you happy? Do you prefer to use email or text messaging? Handwriting Do you often write with a pen and a piece of paper? Would you say your handwriting is easy for others to read? Do you like to receive handwritten letters and cards? Do you prefer to write on a computer or to write using a pen? Do you think a person's handwriting reflects their personality? The weather What's the weather like in your city? Has the weather in your country changed very much over recent years? Do you have a favourite type of weather? Would the change of weather affect your mood? / Why? Would you move to another city that has completely different weather to where you live now? Sunglasses Do you wear sunglasses? Do many people in your country wear sunglasses? Where can you buy sunglasses? Have you ever lost your sunglasses? Have you ever bought expensive sunglasses? Would you ever buy sunglasses as a gift for someone? Photographs Do you like taking photos? How often do you take a photo? Do you prefer to take pictures by yourself, or to have others take them for you? Do you prefer to take pictures with your mobile phone, or with a professional camera? In what situations do you take photos? Do you like to take pictures of your city?
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2019年6月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 1 页2019年6月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 2 页2019年6月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 3 页2019年6月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 4 页2019年6月雅思真题回忆及解析 第 5 页


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