

2020-02-09 11:06
Throughout your career, you may experience brief or extended gaps of unemployment between positions. 在你的职业生涯中,你可能会经历短暂的或长期的职位空窗期。 Hiring managers understand that this gap might be due to a variety of reasons–such as illness, family situations, travel, or the inability to find a new job. 招聘经理明白这种空窗期可能是由多种原因造成的,比如疾病、家庭状 况、旅行或找不到新工作。 But there are times when they’ll see them as red flags and a sign that applicants don’t have the proper work experience or ability to be consistent in their careers. 但是有时他们会将其视为危险信号,表明求职者没有合适的工作经验或 能力,与他们的职业生涯保持一致。 If you have unemployment gaps on your resume, your first step should be to fill them with experience-generating activities that will further your career. 如果你的简历上有职业空窗期,你的第一步应该是用能积累经验的、促 进你职业发展的活动来填补它们。 Pick something that aligns with the field you’re working in (or want to work in) that can also speak to the future trajectory of your career. 选择一些与你正在从事(或想从事)的领域相一致的经历,这也能说明你 未来的职业轨迹。 However, be mindful of getting involved in something that will take up so much time and leave you unable to search for a long-term position effectively. 然而,要谨慎参与一些会占用太多时间的事情,会让你无法有效地寻找 长期职位。 Filling unemployment gaps displays your dedication to sharpening your skills and gaining necessary experience, but hiring managers will still ask you to explain why you have those gaps in the first place. 填补职业空窗期表明你致力于提高你的技能、获得必要的经验,但是招 聘经理仍然会要求你解释为什么你会有这些空窗期。 You’ll need to be prepared to take them through your employment history, and how it has evolved. 你需要准备好让他们了解你的工作经历,以及它是如何发展的。 Say you took time off from work to raise children, take care of a family member, or pursue additional education. 告诉他们你从工作中抽出时间来抚养孩子,照顾家庭成员,或者接受额 外的教育。 Be up front about your circumstances, but make sure that you emphasize (with enthusiasm) that you’re now ready to get back to work. 坦白你的情况,但要确保你(充满热情地)强调你已经准备好回去工作了。 今日语言点 1)red flag n. 字面上看,“红旗”。 红色通常提示危险,在文中是指“(用作警示危险 或停止信号的)示警红旗”。 在严苛的面试官眼里,简历上的空窗期大概对应的就是一盏盏小红灯, 同时伴随着提示音:OUT。 嘶~倒吸一口凉气~ 2)align with 这个词组由 align + with 组成。 align,v.使结盟;使一致。align with,表示“与...结盟”。 当你想表示“万事俱备”时,你可以这样说:the stars are aligned for sth. (你看星星都为你集结起来了)。 3)be up front about 开诚布公。Front,前面。Be up front about,嗯,我读出了“正面刚”的 意思。 文中 Be up front about your circumstances,意思是“对于自己的处境, 应当开诚布公”。
关于在求职英语面试中的关于职场空窗期的表达句子汇总 第 1 页


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