

2020-02-09 11:12
Here are the top fifteen things which should not be included on a resume. 以下是简历中不应该出现的 15 种情况。 Leave them off and keep your resume sharply focused on your skills and qualifications for the job for which you’re applying. 远离这 15 种情况,将简历的重点放在你所申请的职位上所具备的技能 与工作资质。 1. Long paragraphs without bullets. Employers might gloss over sections of your resume and miss key evidence of your qualifications if paragraphs are too dense with text. 没有标点符号的长段落。如果简历中的段落过于密集,雇主可能会草草 地查看你的简历,进而忽略你的能显示你工作资质的关键证据。 2. Statements in your objective or summary which point to what you want to gain from the job. Your focus should be on what you can provide to the employer. 在个人目标,或者总结中,你要表明自己想从工作中得到什么。你的重 点应该是你能为招聘单位提供什么。 3. General descriptions of duties without reference to how you added value. Employers don't want to see your job description, they want to learn about the skills and assets you utilized to achieve real results. 一般的职责描述中,没有提到你如何增值。招聘单位并不想看到你的工 作描述,他们想了解的是你在真正取得的成果上所利用的技能和品质。 4. Phrases like Responsibilities or Duties Included. Make your resume about what you actually accomplished, not what you were supposed to do in the job. 简历中,包含“职责”或“义务”在内的短语。把你的简历写在你实际达成的 事情上,而不是你在工作中应该做的事情上。 5. Starting phrases with I. Start your statements with skill, action or accomplishment words like analyzed, created or reduced, for example, to engage the reader instead of nouns or pronouns. 以“我”的词组开头,请用技能、行动,或成就相关的词组,例如:分析 , 创造或减少,例如,吸引读者,而不是使用名词,或代词。 6. Irrelevant experiences, especially from the distant past. Every statement on your resume should lead the employer to the conclusion that you have the right qualifications for the job. Your goal is for the recruiter to spend their time on your most significant relevant experiences. The same holds true for skills. Be sure the skills you include are current and relevant to the job, otherwise leave them off your resume. 无关的经历,尤指很久之前的工作经历。简历上的每一句话,都应该能 让招聘单位得出你有资格胜任这份工作。你的目标,是让招聘人员把时间花 在你最重要的相关工作经历上。这对于技能同样适用。要确保你所包含的技 能是最近的,且与工作相关的,否则,就请你把它们从简历中删除。 7. Empty or flowery language such as exquisite, outstanding or interesting. Every phrase on your resume should point to a specific skill or accomplishment. Otherwise it is just a distraction. Stick to the facts. 出现空洞,或华丽的语言,比如:精致的、杰出的,或有趣的。简历上 的每一句话,都应该指向某项特定的技能或者成就。否则,它只会让人分心 。 因而,请以事实为依据! 8. Misspellings or grammatical errors. Your resume serves as a sample of your writing skills and evidence of whether or not you are detail oriented. 简历中有拼写或语法上的错误。简历是写作技巧的一个样本,也是你是 否注重细节的证明。 9. Personal information like height, weight, birth date, age, sex, religion, political affiliation, or place of birth. Employers shouldn't make employment decisions based on these factors and may resent the fact that you are confronting them with the temptation to do so. Keep your resume focused on the facts. 个人信息,包括诸如:身高、体重、出生日期、年龄、性别、宗教、政 治面貌,或出生地。招聘单位不应该基于这些因素做出录用决定,并且招聘 单位可能会很讨厌你这么去诱导他们。请让简历基于事实! 10. Hobbies or interests which do not point to desirable workplace skills or bear any relevance to the job. 简历里的爱好或兴趣,并不指向理想的工作技能,或与工作没有任何关 联。 Candidates, especially experienced individuals, should have more compelling information to share in the limited space of their resume. Instead, consider a resume skills section with your skills that are most closely related to the job. 候选人,尤其是有经验的人,应该在简历有限的篇幅内拥有更多引人关 注的信息。相反,你需用与工作最密切相关的技巧,去思考简历的技能部 分,。 11. Weak assertions about academic achievements like GPAs below 3.0 or mentions of Dean's list for only a semester or two. Don't bring academic achievement to the recruiter's attention unless it is an area of strength. There’s no point in trying to impress a hiring manager with something that’s not impressive. 简历里有对学术成果的无力断言,比如,GPA 低于 3,或提到只有一或 两个学期泰斗的名单列表。不要把招聘人员的注意力带到学术成果上,除非 这是一个具有优势的领域。试图让很一般的东西去给招聘经理留下深刻的印 象,是没有什么意义的。 12. Photographs, unless you are applying for a modeling or acting job. Employers don't want to be drawn into allegations of discrimination. Provide the URL of your LinkedIn profile if you think your appearance is an asset. 简历中含有照片,除非你申请模特,或表演工作。招聘单位可不想被卷 入存在歧视的指控。如果你认为你的外表是一种资本的话,那么,提供你的 LinkedIn 上个人简介的网址。 13. Reasons for leaving your previous employers. There is no need to justify your career moves, and this can seem like you are making excuses. 给出了离开以前的单位的原因。没必要为你的职业生涯做辩护,这看起 来似乎是你在找借口。 14. Names and contact information of former supervisors. Furnish a separate list of your references when requested. Give those individuals a heads up when they might be contacted by an employer, so they are prepared. 留有之前主管的姓名及联系方式。只有招聘单位有要求,你才需要提供 背景调查的姓名列表。当招聘单位联系他们时,提醒下他们,这样,他们就 可以做好准备了。 15. Space fillers like References Available Upon Request. They take up precious space and may cause you to leave off more relevant information. It goes without saying that you will furnish references if requested. 存在使用诸如参考文献之类的内容去填充简历空间的情况。这些会占用 宝贵的空间,可能会让你在简历中剔除更多相关的信息。不用说,如果被要 求,你还是需要提供参考文献的。 What Employers Do Want in a Resume 招聘单位想在简历中出现什么? What do employers want? According to a CareerBuilder survey, here’s what employers want when they receive resumes: 招聘单位想在简历中出现什么?根据 CareerBuilder 的一项调查,以下是 招聘单位收到简历时所想要的: Customized for their open position: 61% 简历针对招聘单位在招聘的岗位:61% Accompanied by a cover letter: 49% 附有求职信:49% Addressed to the hiring manager or recruiter by name: 26% 用姓名称呼招聘经理,或者招聘专员:26% Links to the applicant’s online portfolio, blog or website: 21% 简历与申请人的在线代表作品集,博客,或网站相链接:21%
求职英语的简历中绝对不能出现的15种情况! 第 1 页


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