新 CET-4 写作讲义(二)
1、 教材第 5 页第 1 篇:中英思维差异
1) 中式思维:情感分段、读者领会、迂回模式、归纳式思维
2) 英式思维:逻辑分段、作者交代、直线模式、演绎式思维
Most people thought that read books should have been selectived. But others belived
reading extentively was correction.
Selective books or reading extensively?
Sure, you can choice one from previous ideas,
on one hand, There are too book to read for us. We should choose those which we
intrested, and it would be helpful for us.
on another hand. Someone's intresting was wide. Each book could bring you specific
contain we couldn't reading at only one level.
I confirmed all of these ideas were good but weren't wise.
As a reader, the main task is to discover more and more books the second task is to
held some which wonderful and helpful for us. Don't treat these books with rackless
The best technology of reading is connect.
2、 教材第 4 页第 2 篇:
I think reading not only selectively but also extensively. Because the two sides are not
contradict. Our time is limited. So we can not read every book in the world. However,
we will not be interested in every book. We should read those books may be useful to
ours, read those books which we like. But those books which we choose must be
extensively so it can give ours all kinds of knowledge, news and so on, it also make ours
become a wise man. On the one hand reading selectively let ours not waste our time
which it is limitted. Moreover it can emphasis among all books that we can read. On the
other hand reading extensively can deal with all kinds of need in our life. They are all
useful to ours.
3、 教材第 5 页第 3 篇:
Some people think reading shall be choosed. Because some books are good to hummen
beings and some books are harmful to people.
Some people think that men shoud read books widely. Because wide reading can
help man get much knowledge. And man can use it to change the world.
It is my point that reading must be selectively. Because reading is important to man.
Some books can help man but some books can lead some people to crime. It can be
seen in the newspapers and watched on TV. We can make full use of some good books
and gain more useful knowledge. It can make our life more beautiful. we must give up
those unhelpful books. They are not good to us. Reading them is wasting time and
money. So reading selectively is an important part in reading.
4、 教材第 5 页第 2 篇:
How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own
Some people think we should read selectively. They argue that with the development of
modern science and technology, more and more books are published. It is impossible
for us to read all the books. What's more, there are many bad books that are poisonous
to our mind, and we shouldn't read them. Since we can't read all the books and we
shouldn't read bad books, we must read selectively.
But others may not agree. They emphasize that today's society is not what it was. If
one man has many kinds of knowledge he'll have more chances to succeed. If a man
knows much in one field but knows nothing in other fields, he may be useless. Since we
must have many kinds of knowledge, we must read extensively.
Who's right? I think both of them have something right. But I think we should read
extensively first. We should read books in many fields, and read selectively in one field.
5、 教材第 4 页第 1 篇:
When it comes to reading, some people think that reading selectively is a good way,
but some other people do not agree with them, they think that reading extensively is
Those people, who think that reading selectively is better, believe that good books are
as many as bad books. Those good books can give us pleasure and knowledge, while
those bad books can only lead us to the wrong way. So, they suggest that we should
only choose the good books to read and never touch the bad books.
But, the other people, who hold that reading extensively is better, think that one kind
of books can only give us one aspect of knowledge. Even the best book only contains
one field of information. So, they can easily come to the conclusion that "to know more,
to read more". So they believe that reading extensively is better.
To my point, we should choose good books to read and read good books as many as
possible. By this way, we can increase the quality and quantity of reading.
题目: Bicycles An Important Means of Transport in China.
提纲: (1)为什么自行车在中国这样普及
Score: 14
Bicycles are very popular in China. Almost every family in the city has two or three
bicycles. During the rush hour, you can see that thousands of people -man and woman,
old and young-ride their bicycles to work and study. That is why China is called "the
kingdom of bicycles."
Compared with cars, bicycles are superior in many ways. First, they are cheap,
convenient and easy to ride. Second, riding bicycle is good for health. Third, they bring
no noise nor air pollution. Though cars are faster and more comfortable, they are too
expensive. They consume plenty of oil and they pollute the air. Sometimes, it is difficult
for a driver to park his car. Moreover they often cause traffic jams and accidents.
In my opinion, the future of bicycle is very promising. Since China is a developing
country and has a large population, I think, riding bicycle is appropriate to Chinese
present conditions. It will be an important means of transportation for quite a long
Score: 11
There millions of bicycles in today's China. Bicycles are very important means of
transport in people's daily lives. Because to ride a bicycle is very simple, to buy a bicycle
will not cost so much money, to park a bicycle needs just a small room and to ride a
bicycle does not need oil but the rider's strength, biycles are popular all over the world,
especially in China.
Compared with a car, a bicycle is much cheaper. It is more suitable for China as a
developing country. And a bicycle has almost caused no pollution but a car has. On the
countary, a bicycle is too slow, it costs more times than a car.
I think the population of China's bicycle will be kept for the long run. Becuse it will be
replaced by a car, a bus and so on in some developed areas in China, and it will be
made a wide use in the developing areas in China, the number of bicycles in China will
be the same as today but I believe that it's quality will be improved.
Bicycle is an important means of transport in China. The important reason of it is the
economy of Chinese. The use of bicycle in China is widely because people in China have
not high wage. They can only afford a bicycle, and they have no money to buy a car
which is too expensive. So Chinese usually buy a bicycle, and use it to go to work, or go
to travel and so on. The other reason is the large population of China. All these made
the bicycle become the important means of transport.
The bicycle, compared to the car, is not too expensive and it is easy to learn and to
use and it can save the surface of putting it. It doesn't ask to build the garage like car.
This point is very important to China, because of the lack of land. It isn't too expensive,
so Chinese can afford it. It doesn't need any oil, and it can't cause the polusion. All of
these are the good needs compared to the car.
In the future, bicycle will be widely used. And it will be in good demand. People will
produce much more modern bicycles.
Perhaps the amount of bicycle in China is the largest in the world. Why was it so
widely used in China? I thought the answer was: the population in China is too large and
the price of bicycle is much cheaper. The third answer is that the bicycle is easier in
using than other transportations.
Comparing with the car, the bicycle is cheaper and it is easier in using than the car,
but its speed is lower than that of the car.
The bicycle will be remained for a long time in China but in the end it will be
disappeared with the improval of people's living level.
As every body know, China a big developing country. So, the living standard of people
not very high at present people's income is not enough for they to buy cars
motorcycles. And bike is easy to ride. Bicycle is cheaper be made. And I think bicycle the
useful tool of transport in China now. So, it is quite porpular and wildly used in China's
cities and country sides than the personal transportation — tool.
Bike is a kind of clean tools of transport. It not use gas and other energers. For this
reason is not creat polution. But in fact in any way Bicycle is not advanced than car. If it
is raining, the rider will suffer from wet, on the other hand, bike can not carry much
According to the our country's developing rate, I firmly believe that Bicycle will
replaced by car or motorcycle in that nearly future. But undoubtfully it continue the
important means of transport in China for a long time.
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