

2020-03-24 20:52
人教版高二英语必修三第三单元词组总结 Unit 3 Phrases 1.喜欢做 prefer to do 2.做出关于…决定 make certain choices about 3.艺术品 works of art 4.餐桌 kitchen table 5.古典音乐 classical music 6.住在现代化的公寓里 live in a modern flat 7.传统房屋 a traditional house 8.做…很便利 it is convenient to do 9.对于古式房屋很感兴趣 get excited about old-style houses 10.古典的中式建筑 classical Chinese architecture 11.取之于大自然的例子 take examples from nature 12.人为的居住环境 the man-made living environment 13.环顾 look around at 14.违背人们的审美观 go against people’s feeling of beauty 15.传统的建筑材料 traditional architecture materials 16.尖角 sharp corners 17.充当 act as 18.似乎又硬又不友善 seems hard and unfriendly 19.天坛 the Temple of Heaven 20.欧洲大教学 the European cathedrals 21.贴近大自然 stand much closer to nature 22.直线 straight lines 23.被鱼皮覆盖 be covered with the skin of skin 24.充满梦幻的色彩与形状 full of fantastic colors and shapes 25.发现自己受日本海贝的鼓舞 find himself inspired by Japanese seashells 26.从顶上看,它看起来好像 Seen from the top, it looks as if 27.被覆盖 be covered with 28.用…填满空间 fill up spaces with 29.指, 参考 refer to 30.利用 make use of
人教版高二英语必修三第三单元词组总结 第 1 页


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