

2020-06-29 01:36
2003 年 1 月浙江成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1.A、At the railway station. B、At the airport. C、At a restaurant. D、At a movie theater. 2.A、He is sick. B、He becomes worse now. C、He is stronger than others. D、He has not fully recovered. 3.A、She can sew. B、She is beautiful. C、She can cook. D、She is a model. 4.A、 It needs more stamps. B、It is too heavy to carry. C、 She should return it to the postman. D、She should take it to the post office. 5.A、The bus will not arrive. B、The bus will arrive at 12. C、The bus will arrive later than expected. D、The bridge is being repaired. 6.A、Someone gave it to him. B、He bought it on his birthday. C、He got it as a prize. D、He doesn’t remember where he got it. 7.A、Write an article. B、Take a vacation. C、Go on a business trip. D、Change his plan. 8.A、There are few museums in New York. B、Museums in New York are wonderful. C、There is a lot to see in New York. D、The man studies in New York. 9.A、Singing loudly. B、Talking to someone. C、Doing the washing. D、Playing the music loudly. 10.A、15 B、25 C、35 D、45 Section B Passage One Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A、How ice cream was discovered in America. B、How ice cream was developed over the years. C、How popular ice cream is in Europe. D、How ice cream reached England. 12. A、The Roman Emperor Nero. B、Traveler Marco Polo. C、Some Chinese. D、King Charles I. 13. A、Popular. B、Harmful C、Disappointing. D、Valuable Passage Two Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14. A、Before the First World War. B、After the First World War. C、 During the First World War. D、Before the Second World War. 15. A、O and B. B、O and A. C、A and B D、O and AB. 16. A、How Blood Types Were Discovered. B、Different Blood Types. C、A Blood Test Is Important for Patient. D、What Blood Types Most People Have. Passage Three Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 17. A、A school teacher. B、A high school student. C、A college student. D、A factory worker. 18. A、The door was locked. B、All the furniture was taken away. C、All windows were removed. D、The police were called in. 19. A、He came from a farmer’s family. B、He was born and brought up in a city. C、He liked playing tricks on girls. D、He was always friendly to others. 20. A、That Ted’s friends laughed at her. B、That she could not talk to Ted. C、That there was no furniture in the room. D、That the door of his room had been removed. Part II Vocabulary 21.Tired of the city, they _____ the woods and the country. A、gave up B、longed for C、made to D、looked into 22.All of the visitors were _____ that the little boy could walk on his hands. A、advanced B、exhausted C、supposed D、amazed 23.Alice is a shy girl. She never gets _____ in quarrels in the class. A、connected B、resolved C、included D、involved 24.His funny story brought about a _____ of laughter from the audience. A、burst B、flood C、set D、bunch 25.The fax is arguably the most useful machine to be _____ since the telephone. A、discovered B、founded C、invented D、recalled 26.They changed the whole _____ of the house just by painting it. A、appearance B、figure C、size D、surface 27.The plant may grow to a height of several meters, _____ on soil conditions. A、depending B、deciding C、according D、providing 28.The child looks very much _____ his mother. A、same B、like C、similar D、alike 29.There was very little we could do _____ the circumstances. A、on B、at C、below D、under 30.I know this job of mine is not well paid, but, _____, I don’t have to work long hours. A、of course B、on the contrary C、by the way D、on the other hand 31.What a terrible experience! _____, you’re safe. That’s the main thing. A、Anyway B、In general C、In short
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2003年1月浙江成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 第 1 页2003年1月浙江成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 第 2 页2003年1月浙江成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 第 3 页2003年1月浙江成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 第 4 页2003年1月浙江成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 第 5 页


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