

2020-06-29 02:39
1993年6月英语四级真题及答案 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A 1. A) The pear. B) The weather. C) The sea food. D) The cold. 2. A) Mary has never studied mathematics. B) Mary must be good at mathematics. C) Mary enjoys learning mathematics. D) Mary probably is poor at mathematics. 3. A) George’s brother. B) George’s wife. C) George’s father. D) George’s father-in-law. 4. A) She can use his car. B) She can borrow someone else’s car. C) She must get her car fixed. D) She can’t borrow his car. 5. A) At 2:35. B) At 2:45. C) At 3:00. D) At 3:15. 6. A) To the bank. B) To bookstore. C) To a shoe store. D) To the grocer’s. 7. A) Near the station. B) In the country. C) In the city. D) Near her work place. 8. A) At a cigarette store. B) At a bus station. C) At a gas station. D) At Aunt Mary’s. 9. A) From upstairs. B) From next door. C) From the Nelsons’ house. D) From the back door. 10. A) The choice of course. B) A day course. C) An evening course. D) Their work. Section B Passage One Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage you have jus heard. 11. A) They haven’t reached a decision yet. B) They have decided to go hunting bears. C) They want to go hunting camping. D) They want to go exploring the country. 12. A) Susie. B) Tom. C) The speaker. D) The speaker’s husband. 13. A) They chased the bear away. B) They stayed outside the tent and did nothing. C) They climbed up a tree. D) They put some honey outside for the bear to eat. 14. A) He ate the honey. B) He drank the beer. C) He chased the people away. D) He turned things upside down. Passage Two Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard. 15. A) He missed the appointment. B) He arrived late. C) He was sick. D) He was very busy. 16. A) He was busy sightseeing. B) He couldn’t reach Mr. Jordan’s office. C) He didn’t want to see Mr. Jordan any more. D) He didn’t want to take the trouble making it. 17. A) The trip didn’t do any good to his health. B) The trip was a complete disappointment. C) The trip was enjoyable but not fruitful in terms of business. D) The trip made it possible for him to meet many interes Passage Three Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 18. A) He lost consciousness. B) He was slightly wounded. C) He was seriously injured. D) He was buried under an icebox. 19. A) About four days. B) Around eight days. C) A day and a half. D) More than six days. 20. A) His father pulled him out in time. B) He left the area before the earthquake. C) He stayed in an icebox. D) Their house escaped the earthquake. Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital produces the best patient care possible. If we a r e t o s o l v e t h e n u sr h s ionr gt a g(e不 足 ) , h o s p i t a l a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d d o c t o r s everywhere would do well to follow Beth Israel’s example. At B eth I e srael p i ach a t atient ap n s w ssigned v a l o rimar with the patient and constructs a full-scale health account that covers everything from his medical history to his emotional state. Then she writes a c e n t e re d o n t h e p a t i e n t ’ s i l l n e s s b u t w h i c h a l s o i n c l u d e s e v e r y t h i n g e l s e t h a t i s necessary. The primary nurse stays with the patient through his hospitalization, keeping track with his progress and seeking further advice from his doctor. If a patient at Beth Israel is not responding to treatment, it is not uncommon for his nurse to propose another approach to his doctor. What the doctor at Beth Israel has in the primary nurse is a true colleague. N u r s i n g a t B e t h I s r a e l a l ds e o c iennvt or lav(l ei分zs 散 ea d的 ) n u r s i n g administration; every floor, every unit is a self-contained organization. There are nurse-managers instead of head nurses; in addition to their medical duties they do all their own hiring and dismissing, employee advising, and they make salary recommendations. Each unit’s nurses decide among themselves who will w what shifts and when. Beth I srael’s n urse-in-chief r a a e w o anks v p hospital. S a i he am lso o t sM Eember C f hospitals includes only doctors. s he w o nt qual i edical m i xecu 21. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g b e s t c h a r a c t e r i z e s t h e m a i n f e a t u r e o f t h e n system at Beth Israel Hospital? A) The doctor gets more active professional support from the primary nurse. B) Each patient is taken care of by a primary nurse day and night. C) The primary nurse writes care plans for every patient. D) The primary nurse keeps records of the patient’s health conditions every day. 22. It can be inferred from the passage that ________. A) compared with other hospitals nurse at Beth Israel Hospital patient B) in most hospitals patient care is inadequate from the professional point of view C) in most hospital nurse get low salaries D ) co m p a r e d w i t h o t h e r h o s p i t a l n u r s e s h a v e t o w o r k l o n g e r h o u r s a t B e t h Israel Hospital 23. A primary nurse can propose a different approach of treatment when ________. A) the present one is refused by the patient B) the patient complains about the present one C) the present one proves to be ineffective D) the patient is found unwilling to cooperate 24. The main difference between a nurse-manager and a head nurse is that the former ________. A) is a member of the Medical Executive Committee of the hospital B) has to arrange the work shifts of the unit’s nurses C) can make decisions concerning the medical treatment of a patient D ) h nurses a s f u l l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y i n t 25. T h e a u t h o r ’ s a t t i t u d e t o w a r d s t h e n u r s e s y s t e m a t B e t h I s r a e l H o ________. A) negative B) critical C) neutral D) positive Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. For some time past it has been widely accepted that bab creatures-learn to do things because certain acts lead to “rewards”; and there is n o re a s o n t o d o u b t t h a t t h i s i s t r u e . B u t i t u s e d a l s o t o b e w i d e l y b e l i e v e d t h a t e ff e c t i v e re w a rd , a t l e a s t i n t h e e a r l y s t a g e s , h a d t o b e d i re c t l y re l a t e d t o s u c h ba si cphy sio l o gic a( l生理 的 ) “ dri v es” a s th ir st or hunger. I n o ther wo rds, a ba by would learn if he got food or drink of some sort of physi otherwise.
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1993年6月英语四级真题及答案 第 1 页1993年6月英语四级真题及答案 第 2 页1993年6月英语四级真题及答案 第 3 页1993年6月英语四级真题及答案 第 4 页1993年6月英语四级真题及答案 第 5 页


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