2018 考研英语作文素材:要幸福就要奋斗
No matter how high a position one holds, all personnel of state organs should keep firmly in mind that our republic is the People's Republic of China, and we should always put the people in the most prominent place in our hearts, always serve the people wholeheartedly, and always work hard for the people's interests and happiness.
People are the creators of history. They are the real heroes.
The magnificent history of the development of the Chinese nation was written by the Chinese people.
The extensive Chinese civilization was created by the Chinese people.
The unfading spirit of the Chinese nation is cultivated by the Chinese people.
The development of the Chinese nation - from standing up for itself, to enriching itself, to getting stronger - is made possible because of the Chinese people.
Since ancient times, the Chinese people have realized that in the world there is no such thing as sitting idle and enjoying all the benefits. Happiness comes out of arduous work.
中国人民从亲身经历中深刻认识到,团结就是力量,团结才能前进,一个四分五裂的国家不可能发展进步。 From our own experience, the Chinese people have come to realize that unity is power, and unity will take us forward. A fragmented nation will never enjoy development.
The Chinese people believe that however high the mountain is, if you keep climbing, you will come to the summit. However long the journey is, if you keep walking, you will certainly arrive at your destination.
把蓝图变为现实,是一场新的长征。路虽然还很长,但时间不等人,容不得有半点懈怠。 Translating the blueprint into reality will be a new Long March. The road ahead will be very long, but time waits for no man. 我们决不能安于现状、贪图安逸、乐而忘忧,必须不忘初心、牢记使命、奋发有为,努力创造属于新时代的光辉业绩! We should not in the slightest slacken our efforts, and we should by no means rest on our laurels and seek comfort while losing sight of potential problems. We should always bear in mind what we have set out for, and redouble our efforts to achieve greater achievements in the new era.
把人民拥护不拥护、赞成不赞成、高兴不高兴、答应不答应作为衡量一切工作得失的根本标准,着力解决好人民最关心最直接最现实的利益问题,让全体中国人民和中华儿女在实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史进程中共享幸福和荣光! What the people advocate, what the people approve and accept must be the sole measurement of all of our work. We must be committed to addressing the most direct and realistic interests of the people that they are most concerned about. So that all the Chinese people and the generations to come in China will enjoy happiness and glory from such a process of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Any actions and tricks to split China are doomed to fail. And these separatists' actions will be met with the condemnation of the people and the punishment of history.
Chinese people have the resolve, the confidence, and the ability to defeat secessionist attempts in any form.
The Chinese people and the Chinese nation have a shared conviction: not one single inch of our land will be and can be seceded from China.
Only those who are given to threatening other people will perceive other people as a threat. The Chinese people's aspiration and sincerity in actions to contribute to mankind's peace and development should not be misinterpreted, much less be distorted by anyone. Justice will finally prevail.
The new era belongs to each and every one of us, and everyone of us is part of this new era, witnessing, blazing new trails and building this new era. As long as we remain united, work hard together, nothing can stop us from achieving the Chinese dream by the Chinese people.
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