一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分) Trade has played a remarkable role on different fronts over the last decades as part of a virtuous circle of growth and development, a harbinger of opportunities unimaginable not so many decades ago, and as an agent of greater social harmony. The rise of international supply chains has deepened and broadened opportunities arising from international exchange. When we think about trade in an economically more rational way – that is, in terms not just of flows of goods and services but rather in terms of the contribution of different nations in joined up production relationships – we begin to appreciate the true nature of the common interests that join us together. WTO must address traditional issues of long-standing vintage such as tariffs, non-tariff measures, services and agriculture. At the same time, in our increasingly integrated world, other policy issues require attention, including investment, competition, subsidies and the management of public policy in trade-friendly ways. The premium on avoiding incoherence and fragmentation in policy design and management will grow. Therefore, WTO must search for constructive compromise on fundamental issues relating to the balance of rights and obligations among its diverse membership, especially in a world of shifting influence and power among nations. Better accommodation is needed between preferential trade agreements and the multilateral trading system. 二、将下列短文译为汉语(50分) The adoption of the Millennium Declaration in 2000 by 189 States Members of the United Nations, 147 of which were represented by their Head of State, was a defining moment for global cooperation in the twenty-first century. The Declaration captured previously agreed goals on international development, and gave birth to a set of concrete and measurable development objectives known as the Millennium Development Goals. Spurred by the Declaration, leaders from both developed and developing countries committed to achieve these interwoven goals by 2015. The Millennium Development Goals are the highest profile articulation of the internationally agreed development goals associated with the United Nations development agenda, representing the culmination of numerous important United Nations summits held during the previous decade, including summits on sustainable development, education, children, food, women, population and social development. Our challenge today is to agree on an action agenda to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. With two years to go to the target date of 2015, the prospect of falling short of achieving the Goals because of a lack of commitment is very real. This would be an unacceptable failure from both the moral and the practical standpoint. If we fail, the dangers in the world — instability, violence, epidemic diseases, environmental degradation, runaway population growth — will all be multiplied. Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals remains feasible with adequate commitment, policies, resources and effort. The Millennium Declaration represents the most important collective promise ever made to the world’s most vulnerable people. This promise is not based on pity or charity, but on solidarity, justice and the recognition that we are increasingly dependent on one another for our shared prosperity and security. 三、将下列段落译为英语(25分) 据一份研究报告统计,全球有超过2亿人可能暴露在有毒废物的污染之中,并称如此庞大的数量意味着有毒废物对公共健康的威胁程度丝毫不亚于疟疾和肺结核等传统健康威胁,并呼吁各方做出更多努力应对这一问题。 该研究共调查了49个国家中的3000个污染点,并按照污染程度排名。在全球十大有毒废物污染点当中,非洲、欧洲和亚洲分别占据三席,拉丁美洲占据一席。这些有毒的废物排放和环境污染已经威胁到数以万计的妇女和儿童健康。 四、将下列短文译为英语(50分) 11月11日是中国的光棍儿节,是单身青年过节的日子。但许多人也趁着这一天到网上扫货,因为各大电子贸易网站会全场半价。 前几天我室友还问我赶在双11促销之前往购物车里存了什么货。她还特别兴奋地让我看了她的购物车,里面放了一双皮靴和一套家纺。我很快就被她的血拼热情感染了,于是和她一起坐在电脑前等着零点到来。 我可以给我妈买件冬大衣,再给我爸买双棉鞋。其实这样买东西还挺方便的,我心里想,就点一下“去付款”,输信用卡密码,就把全家的事情都搞定了。 可好不容易等到零点,支付网页却无情的崩溃了。页面上只能看到一张卡通图片。图片里的收银员忙得焦头烂额,前面排了一队人。图片下方的文字显示:“抱歉,当前顾客较多,请您耐心等候”。编辑推荐:
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