[WT3BZ]Superposition Operators between��Q��K��and Bloch Space��
ZHOU Ji-zhen��
(School of Sciences, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan Anhui 232001, China)��
Abstract:Let���吉�be an entire function. A superposition operator��S���吉�induced by���吉�, defined by ��S���迹�f)=��(f)��. The author study the boundedness of superposition operator in the paper. A sufficient and necessary condition is given for the superposition operator between ��Q��K��and the Bloch space.��
Key words:Bloch space;��Q��K��spaces; superposition operator�お�
根据文献[5]����209��的引理2, 可构造出一个具有如下性质的域Ω:��
1) Ω是单连通的;��
2) Ω保存着无限折线��L=∪∞n=1[w����n-1��,w��n],其中[w����n-1��,w��n]表示连接w����n-1��和w��n�У南叨危华�
3) 若��f是一个将D�П浠坏溅傅�Riemann映射,则��f∈B�В华�
4) 对于任意一个��L上的点w�В�其到Ω边界的距离dist(��w,�氮Е�)=��δ��。��
假设��f是一个将D��变换到Ω的Riemann映射且满足��f(0)=0。 因为f是B空间里的一个单叶函数, 运用文献[
注释若��K满足条件式(3), 则Q��K是B�У恼孀蛹�,见文献[1]����1 238��的定理2��3。�お�
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